Managed to find a little humor today.
I was attending an awards ceremony for the men and women in emergency services when, during a quiet moment during the function, I heard the LOUDEST "raspberries" behind me!

I turned around to see a baby, (about a year old), giving me the BIGGEST GRIN and I could see her first two teeth just recently poking through her gum! She was just TOO CUTE!!!!!

She was also at the age where she is just now trying to figure out how to walk but hasn't quite gotten her two feet coordinated with each other yet, which was also cute to watch! Her grandma was trying to keep her entertained but, given that this function was taking place during her normal nap time, grandma was finding herself in a losing battle. (This ceremony actually lasted a little over three hours so this baby did very well considering!)
At one point, the baby wanted to get down on the floor but nobody was certain how really clean that floor could be so grandma did NOT want to take any chances! When the baby started getting fussy about not being allowed down, I tried to help by distracting her with shiny sparkly jewelry, glasses, and keys. The result? She surprised BOTH grandma and me by jumping into my lap!

Her grandma told me that was a FIRST because normally, this baby is very shy around strangers! Somehow, babies seem to be attracted to me like a magnet! After a while, however, the baby decided she had enough and went back to grandma. I told the baby that she was too funny!

That elicited another grin out of her!
I don't know what it is that attracts babies to me. This is the THIRD time that a baby, belonging to a total stranger, has made a bee-line straight for me and the baby's family have each told me that is the FIRST time that has ever occurred them!
