I swear to God, I am so SICK of N's!!!

I went to the bank, nearby, a little while ago. The parking there is extremely tight and there is a "ONE WAY" sign prominently displayed. As I'm pulling into the driveway of the bank, looking for an open parking space, a car flew in from the opposite direction, ignoring the ONE WAY sign and driving the WRONG WAY! She nearly slammed into me, head on, and I pointed to the ONE WAY sign. (I looked for the license plate on the front of her car and noticed it was MISSING! That is illegal in my state.)
When I walked up to the door of the bank, after I parked my car, the individual who had nearly crashed my car deliberately SLAMMED the door into my hand and started screaming at me: "You better get the F*** out of MY way and get your rusty piece of SH** (meaning my car) out of MY way!"
I looked her straight in the eye and responded:
"F*** YOU, B*TCH!" She backed off and went to her car.
I tried to look at the back of her vehicle to get the license plate but couldn't get a tag.
How much you want to bet she's a scofflaw in other areas? I hope the cops get her lead a$$!
