Was this more telling than I thought at the time (and why should I remember it so clearly, and specifically, over the last few days: rhetorical)...this happened quite a few years ago...we were talking about people who have defective personalities (neither of us knew much about the subject). She said to me, there are people whose personalities are so fragile that it's like a wall full of holes, and they have to keep plugging up the holes, all the time, to keep themselves going: and as she was describing this in detail, she turned away from me and demonstrated the wall, which was higher than her, and her hands plugged up the holes, quickly, a hole at the top, one in the middle, one in the bottom and repeating itself, her hands moving around the imaginary wall, showing how the holes keep appearing and you have to keep plugging them up, all the time. As she spoke her eyes stayed on the wall, she didn't look at me until she stopped and turned back to me, to tell me, that's how they are. I remembered this so clearly in an instant and told my H who was pretty astonished. I bet you know what I'm talking about too, Bones. In retrospect, it was a very interesting, if pathetic and educational event. My memory's ability to tell me things at certain times is also interesting!