I'm not sure who else has encountered this situation before......
One of the social groups I hang out with, in 3-D, has an N among the members. He tends to be VERY self-centered and self-absorbed. At one time or another, one of our group has taken him to task for his various behaviors. For instance, he attempted to use the group treasury as his "personal account" to spend on himself because as the "head" of the group, he was ENTITLED! The rest of us told him: "HELL NO! We are NOT paying dues to subsidize your self-gratification!" When he lost his wallet, along with its contents, he demanded that his brother take care of it FOR him! (This self-centered dude is over 55 years old!)
He has been out of work for a L-O-N-G time and often talked about getting unemployment from TWO different states SIMULTANEOUSLY!

How he managed to pull that off, I do not know! In the end, BOTH states' unemployment agencies have finally cut him off. During get-togethers, he often complained about not being able to get unemployment anymore and we have countered with, what are you doing about your job search, to which we get NO response. Other members of the group have given him leads on job openings...one of them was close to where he is currently residing. He was also given other resources to look into. I've gotten the impression that he has done NOTHING with the information and resources that he has been given. Instead, we are given the impression that he expects others to take care of all of this FOR him...which is NOT happening!
Now, he has sent around an e-mail to the group asking us to help him out financially as he is about to lose his home. (He has been made aware that several members are struggling with issues of their own....medical, fixed incomes, job loss, etc. but it appears that he has taken no notice of that.) I couldn't help but pick up on the "guilt trip" aspect of his e-mail to us within the group. My only response has been: "Sorry......" Other members have also responded with similar comments with reminders of their own situations that have been discussed within the group. (BTW, he has been known to borrow money in the past then "forget" to pay it back.)
Personally, I find it annoying what he is attempting to do now. I know it's supposed to be "Tis the Season" and at the same time, I'm reacting with: "WTF?!?!?!?"