So many thoughts going through my head as I watch the news about the late Whitney Houston and the reactions of her family. What I don't get are the snarky comments from various jack-a$$e$ who don't get it that these comments will have a way of getting back to her family....and that her family does NOT need that kind of crap!
In one sense, I won't be surprised that the toxicology results will indicate alcohol and/or benzodiazepines in her system. When I was actively practicing my own addiction, I did the same thing and, by God's Grace, lived to tell about it. I've watched others, who were actively practicing, do the same thing. Some lived, some died, some almost killed others while they were self-destructing themselves.
I feel for that 19-year-old parentified child who had been taking care of her mother ever since she was old enough to toddle. I get the strong sense that Bobbi Kristina is blaming herself for not being there to save her mother, even though it was not that child's fault. I want to wrap that child in a huge bear hug and tell her it's going to be okay. She doesn't have to be strong for anyone and to allow others to love and take care of her for a change.