It's funny how the answers are very different to similar problems in those ones. I feel sorry for the Grandma in the first letter - it doesn't take much of an effort to invite someone along to some things and teenagers should make an effort to see their grandparents if there isn't a family issue muddying the waters - everyone will be elderly eventually and I'm sure they wouldn't like if if no-one bothered with them. Yet the response to that one is for her to make more effort. She could have been lying there dead for three weeks but no-one's checked on her? That's awful. I know there might be reasons that aren't mentioned there but assuming there isn't a big deal going on that sounds really uncaring.
The second post mentions a friend whose friends don't include her (similar theme) and the advice there is much more robust, I think - they're not friends, find some new ones. I feel sorry for both of those posters 
Hi, Tupp.
I guess I've gotten cynical in my old age as I was reading the first letter. I tended to wonder what was NOT mentioned in the letter that could have given a more accurate picture of WHY she was not being invited as much as she wanted. I've known some people in 3-D life who have attempted to manipulate others to the point where their own children and grandchildren didn't want to deal with them anymore.
As for the second letter, the person needs to find new friends as the people she is describing are clearly NOT friends! Acquaintances, maybe, but definitely NOT friends! Another factor that had me wondering, cynically, when the letter writer commented how she was being left behind....I've seen in 3-D life that one person having the bad habit of being chronically late....not just five minutes late but HOURS late. This individual, that I knew, was warned that if she wasn't ready to leave when everyone else was ready to leave, then she would be LEFT BEHIND! She hated the fact that people stopped catering to her.
Again, that may be just the cynic in me after being burned by 3-D people.