Having to be cooped up in self-quarantine so that I don't expose others to the Shingles or Chicken Pox virus while it's active has given me more time to do genealogy research online. I also got a HUGE surprise that I NEVER, in my WILDEST dreams EVER expected!!! I wish my Dad was alive so that I could share it with him!!!! I'm sure he would have been THRILLED!!!
I don't know if I had mentioned this before, but I submitted my DNA to a genealogy project over a year ago and I occasionally receive notifications about DNA matches. (It did lead to an AWKWARD situation when the genealogy project put me in contact with some relatives that I had been NC for awhile and now they have been placed on NC again.)
This past week, I received another notification about another DNA match so, out of curiosity, I checked it out. When I looked at the other family tree, the first thing I noticed was a family name, from the 1700's, that is also in my tree. I click on the link and a name, from the 1700's, pops up and it's in the EXACT same area as what is in my family tree!!! Then I click to see this person's full family tree and see that this ancestor's name is connected to my 5th great-grandparents!!!! This person, in this new DNA match, is a sister to my 4th great-grandmother! I also started to look through all the descendants. (After being burned by dealing with N-relatives that I had to place back on NC, I tend to be a bit more cautious so I check more thoroughly.) One of the descendants has a picture attached and I recognized the name of a celebrity from my parents' generation, which made me do a double-take!!!! My initial reaction was ... "HUH?!?!?" When I saw a link where I could send the tree's owner a message, I clicked on that to discuss my 4th great-grandmother and this person's ancestor from the same family. Turns out that the owner is the celebrity's SON, who is a celebrity in his own right and that it turns out we are 4th cousins!!!
All I could do was sit there with my jaw on the floor ... absolutely speechless!!!!!