Something I observed during the yard sale that really has me puzzled. At one point, while Nfriend was sitting with a plate of food in her lap, a yellow jacket started buzzing around her. Having been stung by yellow jackets myself, I didn't want to see anyone else stung. Those little buggers are NASTY!!! I commented that there was a yellow jacket hovering around her plate of food. Any other person with half a brain would have looked at the plate to notice the wasp. Nfriend gives me the glassy-eyed stare and goes: "Huh? Wha...???" then looks everywhere else EXCEPT down at her plate of food where the yellow jacket is sitting!!!!! Completely oblivious!!!!! All I could do was shake my head and figure: "Idiot! If you want to get stung, go ahead and be my guest! I've done my duty!"