Hi CB,
I was going to start a pessimism/optimissim thread, then got tied up (pun intended) , but when I saw your Cute Quiz thread, voila...no need to start another. Right here, I could throw out a little food for thought on inconsistencies I saw in the brief discussion of 'defensive pessimism' on the Intimacy thread. Now, I haven't earned any bragging rights to either perspective, but thought a little discussion of it might be fun for any whose bent is toward science or engineering or for that matter plain old nit picking!

And besides, it might give us a break from talking about our symptoms! Ooops, I guess it is a symptom!
Storm, I haven't quoted your entire post from the Intimacy thread here, but I think this is the essence of what you were saying...
You said:
What it really is, is simple contingency planning.
You look at a situation, ask yourself, 'now, what's the worst that could happen here? Realistically?'
And then you prepare for that eventuality. That's defensive pessimism. Every decent scientist, every good engineer uses it. It used to be called 'thinking ahead'. Me... I call it 'common sense', but I'm biased. I thought, why wouldn't they (the scientist and engineers) use both approaches to broaden their scope?
Now, on the other hand, one thing I really, really like about the term 'defensive pessimism' ....
.... is that its natural opposite is 'offensive optimism' !
**Snort** .... just think about what that might look like ....
[really, really icky revolting guys hitting on you in bars, for one. Offensively optimistic for sure! ]
StormWhat?Now, on the other hand, one thing I really, really like about the term 'offensive optimism'........is that its natural opposite is 'defensive pessimism'! **Snort**....just think about what that might look like .... [really, really icky revolting guys hitting on you in bars, for one. Defensively pessimistic for sure!
Just thought I'd spin it the other way for fun.

CB, thanks for the quiz. I think the term 'strategic optimism' is closer to the mark than offensive optimist. I scored right down the middle too.