thanks so much everyone! Good to hear from you all!
I want to just make a few points I omitted earlier...I am carefully "buying" my and my childrens safety with my good behavior ....and sex when necessary(vomit)......
I have taken all bullets out of the house without his knowledge since he ran around in the middle of the night with a rifle he took out of our safe threatening to kill himself because i didnt want sex that night (yeah he is a piece of work)
I know it is my obligation to keep my kids safe and i do and will.....i am just needing moral support to stand my ground AND be as pleasant as possible at the same time for safety and buying time. (just a little more) A very bizarre and trying situation indeed-eh?
I have been blogging or recording his antics daily all year very very carefully. Since I was limited on computer I had to resort to digital recordings lately, but I have unbelievable records of his nism and abuse! It has not been easy but I have known it was necessary. I have also let some key people know about what he has been up to regarding a couple of physical incidents this year as well as his suicide attempt/threats. I have called shelters and a national dv hotline and spoken to a couple of attorneys briefly. Trying to cover all bases you know.
Thanks so much you all for encouragement, support, advice, thoughts, ideas, and prayers!!!! And hugs!
Love you all!