I saw another HUGE thing, today. I had heard about it before ,of course, b/c we all have talked about it. However, the truth went the "long" 18 inches from my head to my heart.
I was talking to my Aunt. My Aunt was saying s/thing wise and it just hit me about what "exactly" an N is. It hit me that we all have the 'traits" of an N inside us. For example, if s/one had a better trained dog than mine,I would feel 'less than" inside. However, an N would try to destroy that person who had the better dog. The N will destroy s/one who "shows them up.' What I never realized is that I am not "bad" for having N FEELINGS such as pettiness,jealousy, etc. It is human. My Aunt can admit to human feelings. She does not "beat herself up" for human feelings, whatever they are. My M would decimate me for any human feeling from joy to fear and everything in between.
I see that the "feelings" are not bad-----Right?
What the N's do is just act and react ON the feelings. So, in the dog incident, the N would decimate the person with the better dog. However,it is "human" to feel jealous----Right?
I am facing the "core" of how she tried to destroy me. She did it by making ME feel like I was a monster for EVERY feeling. I did feel like a monster except when I was "perfect"(which was never)
It sounds so crazy b/c it WAS.
Lord,I believed all of it. No wonder I was a few inches from the "edge".
That was how she "got " me.She made me feel guilty for all my feelings. My actions were never "bad". She attacked any feeling that I had. I felt like I was a horrible person for what I think are just normal feelings( according to my Aunt)
What a freakin mess it is. Ami