OK--this is an update on my little battle with my Dum Dum NH. Thread used to be--- NH is in jail for the night. Or something like that.....
He insisted on attending a school concert on Wednesday that two of our kids were performing at for his weekly visit. I just went with it since I could see the solo performance of one of our daughter during school tomorrow. But he thought I would be there and brought half his family to make me squirm. I didn't show. He was technically supposed to stay away from me while we were both there in the crowd, but I just didn't go. Geez, it is a good thing that I hustle my daughter to school an hour early 3 times/week for the last 3 years so HE and his family can enjoy her performance! He forced her to do music, but I did all the work! No, I take that back---she did the work, and I always helped her, he did nothing but make her cry by demanding perfection and demanding she play the instrument HE plays ----and lay in bed while she and I got up early every time. Meanwhile, I did everything else including making sure they both practice and get to rehearsals and get them dressed and fed and whatever, and he and his "people" get to enjoy it. Yuck yuck yuck. I know it was a compromise and I didn't have to do it really , but still....I DID enjoy messing up his plans to intimidate and upset me with his little crowd.
Anyway, I got another notice for my power to be turned off tomorrow. So the lawyers get to talk about it and his says....HE can't pay the utilities unless I will return HIS family heirloom railroad watches (that I just happened to be able to get away with for just this sort of leverage) so he can "pawn" them to another family member for some cash. I know, I know, he can't do that, but I am so sick of it....I agreed to return them--- but NOT under that kind of deal. I think I will be asking for the remainder of items he has of the kids and mine. Just family stuff, like holiday decor, a baby cradle and crib since all the kids used them, and things like that. I was able to sneak almost everything out except a few things like that before I had to leave. He is just such an idiot. Of course he really has not stopped asking for these items along. It has been the underlying theme of all his torment, although he tried to make it seem like it was about the children. He even asked for his stupid GUNS back. ...AGAIN! I had to get the gun safe code changed today and bring them back from a storage unit where I have been hiding them all and have been advised to just send him pictures. The nerve. He is freaking because one of the guns is an heirloom too. BUT DUH! Give them back???? Nope. Someone is missing some brain cells here, he is suicidal and homicidal at times and he wants his guns back!!! N'kay!
It was our oldest sons birthday on Tuesday, so he brings him a pocket-knife! So he can blame me I guess when he slices his finger or because I take it away so he won't. Even engraved the stupid thing so everyone will know HE gave it to him. Good, cause I would not do something so dumb!
I know, I should not hand the watches over, I might not still, I guess. I am just trying to think of the best/worst case here. I think he is being a bit agreeable until he gets those, and then he will return to his antics of whatever he can.
I also got his half-brother and wife, (a decent guy) ringing at my door about an hour ago to bring holiday gifts, and I had to explain the situation. I guess he didn't talk to them yet. Thought maybe he would have by now. Figures, they are decent people so they can't help him, so why would he tell them? The half brother ended up decent because he didn't grow up near my H's mom or dad. The dad was violent, the mom still a total N. He basically was just fathered by the dad and then left to the other mom who got the he-- out quick enough for him to "make it" ok. {Don't think that made sense}. I have always been the one who made sure we kept in contact with them since I knew they were "normal." Awkward though, eh?
Anyhoo...more fun and games here. I just can't believe how transparent my H is and he thinks I don't have a clue about his lies and games. He really thinks he is in charge still. Pathetic. I think some of his financial crap is hitting the fan though. Hope so. He is claiming poverty, but I doubt that too. Just another game. Bu then again, he has not worked since I left two months ago and never did before. He is blaming his financial fiasco's on me now. Of course. I try to just not pay much attention unless I am forced to deal with him through attorneys. It is wonderful!! Irritating, at times, but wonderful!
There should be an automatic PO put on every N in the world. For all of us! That is my holiday wish!