Thank you Lise and Seasons,
I think that I am getting to a DEEP layer.Whatever my outside circumstances my true "foe" is shame.. Today, I had a rejection from s/one. Rejection is just part of life. We all have been on both sides of it and will continue to be. It just happens.
Actually,it was very freeing for me, surprisingly. I read an article that IF you are afraid of s/thing, you should put yourself in the path of it repeatedly until you are not afraid anymore.
At first,I felt horrible. Then,I thought, this is just part of life.I have been hiding from life for too long. I was afraid of "ghosts'. Rejection only hurts to the degree that I shame myself. IF I see it as simply "people moving on". I will be fine .I AM fine, actually.
I really and truly think that I should get in line for more rejection(LOL) b/c it is a big bogeyman.It really is. The ONLY time that it destroys you is if YOU shame yourself with it.(as I said)
If you just say,"Hey,people move on",then,you are OK.
What is happening to me is that I am learning junior high lessons at an older age. In junior high, you make up and break up. You screw up and learn. You CAN be immature b/c you are at the "right" age. I am at too old of an age to be 'immature'. HOWEVER, I am immature.(emotionally) It iS that simple. I AM learning junior high lessons ,now. It is true.
Maybe,I was too immature for my friend. I can live with that simply b/c I must find my voice--no matter who I lose or gain.I simply cannot go back to 'Miss Nice".
I am so tired from this that I wonder IF I am getting better or worse. I am sure that you know THAT feeling. You are simply exhausted from all these emotions.
Inside me, I have a little feeling that I actually AM getting better. I hope so. Lord,I hope so Ami