Author Topic: I HAVE to love myself---first  (Read 4090 times)


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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2007, 05:12:28 PM »
I am a crazy nut .

What kind of nut are you? Macadamia, peanut, Brazilian nut, cashew? Because I know that you are NOT a crazy one! LOL :lol:

Yes, I'll be there to celebrate!  I've got miles saved up so I'll fly anywhere!  Let's meet in the Bahamas!


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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #16 on: December 10, 2007, 07:26:47 PM »
Dear Lise,
  I will have to give thought to WHAT kind of nut I am(LOL)However, I wanted to tell you that I have a little place inisde me that is starting to feel centered. I can eat meals that I could not before(stomach,mother issues).
 This exhaustion does get scary,but you really, really helped when you told me that it IS a form of losing your mind---your 'old " mind.
 This little space in me that feels centered is beautiful .It is like sunlight or fresh air. It is so precious to me b/c I have suffered for so long not being at home in my body.
  It really is THE most precious thing ,next to God
  Thanks for your presence,Lise. I really, really should never worry in life b/c God is so good to me. He knows that I am a "lost sheep" and he sends me unexpected joys,like you.                    Love to you    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2007, 08:01:53 PM »
Dear Lise,
  I will have to give thought to WHAT kind of nut I am(LOL)However, I wanted to tell you that I have a little place inisde me that is starting to feel centered. I can eat meals that I could not before(stomach,mother issues).
 This exhaustion does get scary,but you really, really helped when you told me that it IS a form of losing your mind---your 'old " mind.
 This little space in me that feels centered is beautiful .It is like sunlight or fresh air. It is so precious to me b/c I have suffered for so long not being at home in my body.
  It really is THE most precious thing ,next to God
  Thanks for your presence,Lise. I really, really should never worry in life b/c God is so good to me. He knows that I am a "lost sheep" and he sends me unexpected joys,like you.                    Love to you    Ami

You are just as much an Angel to me as I am to you Ami.  Little do you know the ways that you support me and comfort me in my dark and trying times.

And, if anyone is reading this and you ever need support, just ask Ami, she will be a true friend with a strong shoulder to cry on.

Lise ((AMI))
« Last Edit: December 10, 2007, 08:22:09 PM by Gabben »


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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #18 on: December 11, 2007, 10:36:08 AM »
Dear Lise,
 God provides. It is SO hard to believe  s/times--isn't it?I want to share an update with you. Last night, you helped me so much. I know that you know the intensity of feelings you can have when you are "craving" some FOO love relationship. It is beyond 'intense".
 After talking to you, I quieted down and slept all night.
 I am excited to tell you that today,I feel more peaceful. Also, I feel less afraid of things that I fear like the dentist.. I realized that ALL my "phobias" were really a looking for love. It is hard to explain,but one shrink told me that a phobia is BOTH a wish and a fear. I stopped going to him then b/c I thought HOW could it be a "wish". I SEE it now. I have had a phobia of throwing up(as well as MANY others). Anyway, when he told me about the wish thing I thought HOW could it be a "wish".
  NOW,I know. My body wanted to be "taken care of". That phobia was a cry for s/one to help me. I see now that my other phobia ( the dentist,, doctor etc) is the SAME thing. I crave touch, tenderness, warmth and care. I am using these phobias as a cry  to be taken care of. Isn't that BIG?
 I saw all of this  b/c my "friend" triggered these intense feelings in me. After a while ,I could see that it must be FOO stuff. It was too "over  the top" .
 So, I feel less afraid now. It WAS worth it. It is always worth it to face things. It does hurt terribly. However,IF you don't face them, they will come out 'sideways"-addictions, crazy life styles, depression, phobias etc.
  Thanks for being there,Lise                    Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #19 on: December 11, 2007, 01:48:24 PM »
Just when I thought that I had a break in these exhausting emotions,another wave hits me . I think that it is  a cleansing ,though.
 After this last one, I reclaimed s/thing that I lost in my teens. Right before I went in to a shell,I was formulating the idea of "power". I remember seeing two movies that shaped my perception. They pushed me in to a healthy way of looking at power. .
 One was based on a book by Evan Hunter--Last Summer.
 That movie hit me in a big way. After that, I vowed to  retain my own power but I couldn't.. I lost that connection to myself-.
 Yesterday, I realized that I need to reclaim it.
  The pain IS there.It is better to have it triggered than to just push it down.
  It feels like  layers and layers of pain.I  know that you understand.It feels bottomless.I am thinking that if you stay with it,it will give you the parts of yourself that you pushed away. I hope so.what do you think?
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #20 on: December 11, 2007, 02:00:25 PM »
I guess when you have an N mother ---you simply have to keep pushing away pain--finding nooks and crannies in which to hide it. Then,at some point---you are lost to yourself. .
  If you run away from life, that is a type of pain.If you face life, you have to learn lessons that you should have learned in your teens. THAT is painful. You get rejected. You learn what you should have been learning and have mastered by now.
 I AM clicking back in to place. I saw another thing ,today. I saw that my Aunt functions in an "organized " way. . She operates using all the different levels. For example, she could use values or intellect . Another time , she could use intuition. She sees what her emotions are telling her and takes ALL of it as guidance and THEN formulates what she will do. It sounds so simple.
  When you have an N M, everything that should be simple is not.
  My Aunt  can take from all the levels b/c shame is not throwing a monkey wrench  to derail her. She feels like she is O.K.
  Shame is the key--healing shame. No outside thing can heal it.It would be so easy if you could drink it away, drug it away, buy it away or get enough approval to make it go away
 . That is the key,I think, healing shame.
 I bet that when you face it,it will be nothing but a vapor.                         Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2007, 02:05:31 PM »

 So, I feel less afraid now. It WAS worth it. It is always worth it to face things. It does hurt terribly. However,IF you don't face them, they will come out 'sideways"-addictions, crazy life styles, depression, phobias etc.
  Thanks for being there,Lise                    Love   Ami

Last night I felt sick with the flu/sorethroat. I took some theraflu and fell into bed drifting in and out of sleep. Suddenly, I awoke in terror -- I knew that this was old pain.

One of the things that triggered me into spending 5 years working with Dr. Freud was the pain of a love affair that ended in rejection. This was over ten years ago. I recall waking up one morning shortly after "the dear Lise Call" in intense emotional pain. My body was litterally burning so much I had to take a cold shower to cool off from the intense layer of shame that was surfacing. I could not get out of bed for a week. At the end of that week I knew that I needed help.

That is when I found Dr. Freud. I'm glad that I had common sense to tell me that my emotions were out of proportion to the present experience. I loved this guy but something told me that it was really more a wish for fulfillment than love fullfilled that was being grieved out of me. I knew this even before I entered intensive therapy -- I was ahead of the game  8). I used to beat myself up just for wanting and for moving on so slowly from this guy...but now I realize that I was healthy in the sense that I did not act on these strong emotions and try to manipulate him back or loose my dignity in anyway. My intuition usually proves me right.

Those 5 years of Dr. Freud were intense to say the least. The first two were just working through layers of defenses; the next year was reliving the emotional memories of what exactly it was like to be age 3 and 4 and without parents, who were my entire world.

Dr. Freud and I did dream analysis and wish probing -- in other words I persued my unconscious so that I could be more conscious.

It was at that intense emotional pain time that I read Necessary Losses -- What We Have To Give Up In Order To Grow - by Judith Voirst. I started doing the work -- just like you are, peeling back the layers and looking deeply at what happened that I did not want to happen and what never happend. I cried more tears and deep sobs, I pounded my pillow and sometime I just would crouch in a little ball in my bathroom, hugging myself in agony.

Through it all I never took medication, drank, smoked or overate. I used to swim laps and jog to get my endorphins up. I would nurture myself with cozy pajamas and warm cups of tea. It was a two year existence of this kind of pain.

I'll never forget the weeks when the pain started to subside and I told myself -- wow..."that was intense" wonder I was so messed up! I had so much pain in me that had never come out. It was like going into a time machine, and reliving from and emotional point of view, the grave trauma of what it is like to loose your parents when it is not time. I would say to myself no wonder you repressed this pain - it would have literally killed me if I had to experience it, back then, at age 4  -- I'm a survivor.

When you get a chance - read the thread "feelings as reality."  LOL ---  How about --  reality HAS feelings?

Anyway, my original point, was that last night I was in terror and it was not about now, it was about back then. The terror was overwhelming. I curled in a little ball and agonized all over again. It was the terror of letting go of more defenses, especially my anger. It was the terror of feeling the trauma of being so left alone emotionally when I was a baby. The good news is that the layer is gone now. I no longer will ever have to go through that again!! Whew...another layer down and about 2000 to go :P !!

« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 02:09:22 PM by Gabben »


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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #22 on: December 11, 2007, 02:25:03 PM »
Just when I thought that I had a break in these exhausting emotions,another wave hits me . I think that it is  a cleansing ,though.

You have no idea how many times I have said exactly that to myself. I think that I am through the thick of it and then another layer hits me again.

The healing graph for me would never be one straight line up - NO, it is more like back and forth and up and down -- all the while progressing in one direction. Go figure that one out!

Love you (((AMI)))



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Re: I HAVE to love myself---first
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2007, 02:36:56 PM »
Hey, can I join in here?

SURE!!! I'm glad you are here!  :D

I'm sorry about feeling that pain, of sobbing and pounding your pillow.  That is the kind of pain (emotional) that is buried deep and needs to be released, though.  You're doing hard work.  That is courageous of you to get in touch with it and allow it to come out.  To recognize it and even embrace it. 

Thank you Bean -- but actually, I was talking about work I did over ten years ago. But who knows -- I may get another layer and your post above is God's way of foreshadowing me :P If I get the pain - I'll reach to you for support.

Right now Ami, needs some support - will you give her a hug please.

How are you Bean?
