Dear ((( Jan )))
From my own personal experience, alas, no, as my Nsister enjoyed travel far and wide, while I was left alone in the FOG, then the mist.
But, our day arrives, as we become whole, we anchor on solid ground, and then we let go.
While sadly, they remain empty vessels, drifting upon the waves, tossing to and fro.
Upon reflection, it is quite natural to be thinking the thoughts that you have, as back then, they were my thoughts also.
During this, your initial 'finding out' stage while in trauma/shock and grief, of the finality, of No Contact.
It's not possible to just cut off --- our Nsister can, because N's are empty vessels (poor souls).
We can't just cut-off --- because we are different.
Not in our power to change them, however, we can have serenity to accept the difference.
Presently, you are working through the process, seeking answers, in order to reach an understanding -- which will bring empowerment.
Love, Leah