Author Topic: WTF??!!...  (Read 5391 times)


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« on: June 12, 2004, 01:43:38 PM »
Hi, Folks

After a long absence of getting on with my life and plunging back into college to persue my life's new direction, I find myself completely gutted today and back on this board...Hi y'all.  It's all sunshine and birdsongs outside so why am I sitting here inside, typing away at my computer feeling like total crap?

Several things have been going on since I last posted:

1.  I'm attending classes of an artistic nature which I absolutely love...I've finally found what I want to do with my life again.

2.  The more in love with what I'm studying I become, the more miserable I'm becoming...?  WTF?

3.  I thought I'd conquered my fear of large groups of people but I attended a class the other day involving advanced safety training(not college related) and found I could not join in with the group and just wanted to be by myself...which is okay in theory, except for when both lecturers, at different times, quietly came up to me and asked if I'd like to join my group.  Upon saying no thank you to both, I found myself welling up with tears....again, WTF?

4.  Then today, one of my dogs (who is a real handful but ever so loveable) took off running to hell and gone and refused to come back, despite my fretful calls for him to come back.  When I finally reached him, after running about half a mile, I found him back at our house - at which point I cracked.  I grabbed a stick and whacked his butt really hard...this was not necessary!!!  Who is this person?  Where the hell did this come from?  I'm just so depressed that I did that and incredibly sick to my stomach at myself.

I sat in the car while between errands afterwards and I tried to think where this is coming from.  What's happened over the last few weeks that's derailed me like this?  I've been SO happy and SO excited about my studies and my life in general.  My marriage is wonderful, I have a beautiful little home.  I have friendships blossoming with a few women.  I don't usually ever get along with women, or anyone for that matter to the point of my reciprocating friendship.  I usually keep things at arms length.  I've really battled with trying to give back to others and not feel like a complete weirdo under a microscope and second-guessing everything I've said and done after get-togethers.  So...there's progress on that front.

I can only think of a few things that may have something to do with this downturn that's been brewing for a few weeks now:

1.  My friend is going through a break up with her boyfriend and has enlisted our help, which may be reminding me of the mutiple and devastating breakups of my family while growing up, thanks to mother being a N and a clueless, self-absored idiot to boot.

2.  Perhaps I'm self-sabotaging because of the inner-voice my NMother programmed into me...I've lifted myself up so, in her absence, I need to beat MYSELF down?   :roll:

3.  I got a letter from the her the other day, which doesn't account for my downturn leading up to her letter's arrival but may have something to do with clobbering my poor dog.  Her letter contained the usual woe is me crud...nothing new on that front.

4.  Art was a huge connection with my now deceased Dad and was all I ever wanted to be involved in since time began.  I fell out of it as a career when I moved abroad, then couldn't get back into it after he was murdered, despite enormous personal effort.  My soul just couldn't handle it.  After almost 10 years, I'm persuing it again via a different medium.  Is this all coming from fear of confronting my true the the artist's surviving daughter?

JEEZ I'm just so fed up with myself!  :x



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« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2004, 02:04:22 PM »
...just remembered something else...possible reason # 5:

N mom is doing some contract work in the country where most of my family lives.  Besides just showing up on their doorsteps after only a few days notice, she launches into a character assault on me in front of my dear siblings, only minutes from disembarking the plane.  Not only was I not there, I wasn't even in the country and I haven't seen her in years, she was going on about what a difficult baby I was and that I favored my father.  What???  What was she doing for 12 hours on the plane...ruminating in her contempt for me?  She was talking like that about an innocent infant over 30 years ago.  Then she sends her letter..."hi, how are you, now lets talk about me and my miserable self...".   :evil:   This attack on my character happened about 3 weeks ago so the timing is viable.  Maybe my anger at this is manifesting itself as described above?



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« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2004, 08:11:15 PM »
I've answered my own question...number 5 is it.  I've really got to take control over how her missiles damage me.  It's so hard.  Just when I thought I had a handle on it all, bam!...down comes the house of cards and I fall apart.  She wins again.  I'm beginning to truly understand that even when she's departs this world, I will still be hurt by her via that "negative introject".  The only thing that is possible to change is me.

After today, I've also admitted to myself that I suffer from an incredibly low self-esteem.  I suspected it but never fully 'fessed up to it.  Another thing to work on.  That's why I was all teary at that safety meeting.  Even a long-distance missile from her can unravel what little self-esteem I have and since this is the case, it really shows how little I've got to start with.  Humbling.

I took the dogs for another walk and thank God, no more runaways.  My dog is apparently completely unaffected by his smack today and has been jumping on me to play and give me slobber kisses but it's really devastated me and I'm just so ashamed of myself.  My dogs are my babies for Gods sake!  I'm not a smacker and yet I did as such.  That was the clue that took me to number's all ties in with her.  I used to get the hell beaten out of me for minor transgressions.  That and the fact that she never, EVER listened to me, no matter what my distress.  So, when my dog got off his leash and ran off, and didn't listen to my distressed calls to him to come back, there lay the trigger.

I sat with hubby this evening and went over all this with him and we've made an agreement that whenever there's contact from her, he and I will sit down and go over my feelings one by one right away.  Then, we'll go over the things I need to be mindful of in myself in the coming weeks.  Evidently it takes me about 3 weeks to get my goat up on anything, including her.

You know, I'm beginning to think I really hate this woman.  I also hate the fact that I love her at all.  How the hell does one reconcile that?

God bless,



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« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2004, 01:24:30 AM »
Hiya Rojo,   :)

Incoming!...Sounds like you're having an "N relapse".  My H and I visited one of our Ns in the hospital recently.  Always a great place to see true colors come out  :roll: .  My H said it was like I caught a cold or something.  I kinda spun inward for a couple of days.  

It sounds like you have a great recovery plan with your H.  It would make me physically ill to hear that one of my parents was conducting a major character assassination campaign against me.  It sounds like your siblings have her number, or do they?  Why did they pass this news along to you?  Do they know/respect how you feel about NMom and that it makes you ill to hear this stuff?  In any case, good for you for being proactive about how to handle it next time.  

This stuff is poison and sometimes we can keep the rubber gloves on and dispose of it with care and other times it can just go splat all over us.  So don't beat up on yourself for getting sick.  (or your dog...when I read that part of your post I felt I would feel rejected by my own dog--the last straw.  perhaps that was part of it?)  

Is there something you can say (some watered down version of your situation) to your instructors so they and your group know you are not rejecting them, just that you are going through a difficult time at the moment and hope things improve before the course ends?  Can you ask them to be patient and that you will try to rally?  Saying a little something can really smooth things out v. holding it all in.  

Hope this helps a little, Rojo.  I'm finding art to be a wonderful outlet too.  One of my daughters is of an age where she is jumping into all kinds of crafts and hobbies (same as me at her age).  It's great to be able to play and discover.  Take care, Seeker


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« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2004, 06:19:01 AM »
Hi Rojo,

Thanks so much for your insight and support.
 It aided my healing. Too much of my heart
was in this post to let it remain here for posterity on the web.
The post served its purpose and now it is time to
edit it or gently take it down.
To every thing there is a season, and a time
to every purpose under the heaven:  Ecclesiates 3:1


mighty mouse

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« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2004, 02:30:07 PM »

Interesting what you say about not being heard. I felt the same way.

About 1 1/2 years ago I respectfully asked my Mom to please try to restrain her H from constantly talking in the background and trying to get her attention when her and I were on the phone. I said it nicely, it is long distance and my time is as valuable as anyone's.

She pouted about that for a good six months. I finally told her I was frustrated that offended her because I thought it was a valid request. Well I guess NOT.

Haven't spoken to woman in a year. It's been the best year of my life!



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« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2004, 08:37:14 PM »
Hi, Flower, Seeker and Mighty Mouse

Thank you SOOO much for your responses.  I was feeling a little hung out there after confessing my actions this weekend.  I was thinking, God, they’re all going to think I’m totally crazy and need to be locked up away from my doggie.

When my dog ran away, I felt a monumental feeling of impending loss.  I thought, he’s going to run off and I’ll never find him again – I was terrified that he’d get all the way to the road and get run over.  Fear of getting my heart broken and never again seeing something I love so dearly is where I was at before I snapped when I found him sitting at our doorstep, cool as a cucumber.  I’m still trying to figure out why I smacked my dog when I just hate that sort of thing.  As I said before, my mother was an extremely violent person and beat the absolute s**t out of us so I know this is connected – exactly how is the question.  I didn’t beat my dog but the fact that I swatted him is way too close to the way she was for my comfort.  Very scary to me.

I do beat up on myself, you are so right about that, Seeker.  My hubby tells me that all the time.  He always says, "There's nobody harder on you than you."  I've been working really hard on my self-talk...gotta be a better friend to myself.  I think my difficulties in maintaining friendships are a good reflection of my friendship with myself.  I'm easy to get along with and have a lot of love to give but I have to detach for fairly long stretches because I get panicked so easily after I reach out.  It takes a very long time for me to build up trust enough to be available to giving and receiving on a regular basis.  It took a good 8 years to get the hang of this with hubby so I guess I’m real slow to trust.

Speaking of the panic, Flower, I completely understand your description of the seizure like episodes.  I used to get those fairly regularly.  One time I was driving across a bridge on a very fast highway and one hit me out of the blue...I broke out in a sweat all over, I could not get any air and felt an overwhelming compulsion to ramp my car over the edge of the bridge, with me in it.  I very nearly did and it was a major struggle for my life in those few moments.  I never understood suicide until that point…I always thought people who killed themselves were simply selfish and weak.  Boy was I wrong.  Sometimes things just hurt so bad that the body takes over from the mind it seems.  Scared the holy heck out of me and I once I got a hold of myself, I drove to see my therapist immediately.  She said that episode was a severe panic attack, which stems from an overwhelming feeling of not being in control of one’s own life.  That fits when we’re talking about how N’s operate.

About my siblings – only one of them has a basic grasp of my feelings and beliefs about our mother.  He’s the one who told me what happened.  Maybe I’m wrong in this but I’m glad he told me about her character attack because it keeps things real for me.  In the passed, I’ve deluded myself into thinking that things have changed, she’s changed, maybe I was too harsh a critic, etc.  But, if I keep open to hearing about the attacks, I then need to do a better job of handling them.

Bro called to check on me this weekend – he’s very intuitive and somehow knew I was in bad shape.  I said to him that if he disagrees with something she says about me, especially when it’s done in front of other people I care about, to please come to my defense just a little - not to the point of putting himself in the firing line, though.  I got that idea from folks here and Elan Golomb's book.  I really need a little back up so she'll maybe back off.  She needs to be shut down and it seems the only way to effectively do that is to make her story look ridiculous in front of the very people she’s trying to impress.

About that safety class, I don't have to attend any more classes...whew!  That is such a relief because my being in that enormous group was too much for me right now.  NMom's antics definitely have an effect on my ability to feel normal in groups and thinking back on it, I really could have done a better job of articulating my reasons for wanting to be by myself.  Those two trainers respected my decision to sit alone but probably walked away going, "Boy, wonder what that's all about?"  By not saying anything tangible, I put myself into the situation of probably being viewed as a little weird.  Agghhhh...not only am I hard on myself, I’m oftentimes my own worst enemy!  lol  :) What a road we’re on, eh?

Thanks again, folks, really. God bless

PS - I really like the idea of charting one's reactions to the N.  An excellent idea indeed.  Thank you :)


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« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2004, 08:44:32 PM »
Hi mighty mouse,


Thanks so much for your insight and support.
 It aided my healing. Too much of my heart
was in this post to let it remain here for posterity on the web.
The post served its purpose and now it is time to
edit it or gently take it down.
To every thing there is a season, and a time
to every purpose under the heaven:  Ecclesiates 3:1


  Six months of pouting over a simple request on the phone sounds like very extreme behavior on your mom's part. I thought my N mom was picky, but I think your mom could win a contest in pickiness. Then again,
my mom doesn't pout. She will just get revenge later on when everyone thinks she has forgotten about it.

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« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2004, 10:02:20 PM »
Six months of pouting over a simple request on the phone sounds like very extreme behavior on your mom's part. I thought my N mom was picky, but I think your mom could win a contest in pickiness. Then again,
my mom doesn't pout. She will just get revenge later on when everyone thinks she has forgotten about it.


Oh, my Mom usually keeps stuff in and then gets her revenge later as well....just when you think she can't possibly be holding a grudge anymore.  :roll: She is such a jerk!


Sorry to hang you out there so long. Sometimes I have to think about stuff before posting back. It was evident that swatting your dog caused you a great deal of distress. I say get a shredder and if Nmommy writes again, just take the letter between you thumb and forefinger (like toxic waste) and shred without opening.

I have an NPD sister who was stalking me for about a year and would send me stuff (books, CDs, letters, voluminous email) and I would throw away everything immediately, I had her on call block and her emails sent to the delete file. Finally she petered out. But I can't give her even a 1/4 inch of anything bad or good. She just runs with it.



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« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2004, 10:03:17 PM »
Hi Rojo,

We love ya!



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« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2004, 10:54:36 PM »
Hi Rojo and MM,

 Rojo - That panic attack on the bridge sounds like such a horrible experience.

Thanks so much for your insight and support.
 It aided my healing. Too much of my heart
was in this post to let it remain here for posterity on the web.
The post served its purpose and now it is time to
edit it or gently take it down.
To every thing there is a season, and a time
to every purpose under the heaven:  Ecclesiates 3:1


You are so blessed to have such a good brother!
Oh, I wished I had someone like that in my extended family.

  MM  -  Pouty *and* vengeful! Phew.. What a mom...
           I like the shredding without reading the message.


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« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2004, 11:44:58 PM »
Hey Rojo,

Hang in there !  Overcoming an N experience is hard.  And it takes a long time.  And there will be setbacks.  And it's not the end of the world, it's the beginning of a renewed committment to heal.  Each and every time....

When I first realized about my soon to be exNH's Narcissism, I figured that since I now knew what the problem was, I could shrug it off like a coat.  Wrong !  

And even after I moved out, I figured NOW that I am away from him, it will all be better.  Wrong again !!

Don't get me wrong, it IS better and I AM healing and it was the best thing for me to leave, but I am finding that it really takes a long time and lots of attention to so many aspects of existence.  And along the way you fall down and have to expect that and accept that and receive it as a lesson.

So, when the lesson comes, instead of getting angry at yourself, give yourself credit for all of the ways that were right.  There will always be something to pick on, we are human.  It's actually harder to find the good things. But they are there and YOU know what they are.  Just give yourself that present, you deserve it.

I've been gone over a year.  I still struggle.  I still hear that admonishing voice in my head.  A couple of weeks ago,  I realized that I was starting to get mild panic attacks again.  We are trying to settle our finances and are communicating a lot right now.  It's only email, I don't even have to see him or listen to doesn't matter, it just sets the whole thing off.

So, I have been working on the breathing.  When I get so much as a twinge, I stop and breathe.  And it helps.  Am I anxiety free?  No, but by giving myself time out, by making helping myself more important than the pain, the symptoms and HIM, it helps.

I took a little yoga to learn some deep breathing and I recommend it.  Panic attacks are pretty scary as you have said in your posts.  I was medicated for a while and that enabled me to actually leave, but I would rather know how to help myself without the drugs now.  

You are fortunate to have a husband who is understanding and someone to discuss all of this with.  And the dogs too !!  Don't worry, they will forgive you.  I think it's great that you were able to work out all of the reasons and zero in on the real trigger.  And then work out an "alarm system" to help you next time.  See how much you got out of this !!

Like I said, hang in there.... really you are doing fine.  Congratulations on going back to school !!  Some of it may just be that you are stressed because you are doing a lot.   Just remembering that might help when you are feeling overwhelmed.  Like....of course I'm overwhelmed....look at what I'm doing !!  Yikes !   And then go kiss the dogs.....nothing like  those little beasties to get your blood pressure down and your priorities straight.

So, keep us posted now and then.....



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« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2004, 06:41:34 AM »
Oh, you folks are all so terrific....sniff.

Thanks ever so much.  God bless.

Rojo   :D

lynn as guest

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« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2004, 03:33:07 PM »
Quote from: Rojo
4. Art was a huge connection with my now deceased Dad and was all I ever wanted to be involved in since time began. I fell out of it as a career when I moved abroad, then couldn't get back into it after he was murdered, despite enormous personal effort. My soul just couldn't handle it. After almost 10 years, I'm persuing it again via a different medium. Is this all coming from fear of confronting my true the the artist's surviving daughter?

Hi Rojo,

I know this thread has taken a different direction, but I wanted to comment on #4.  Like you, I have a certain need for creativity in my life.  Music was my primary outlet for many years.... but after some things happened ( I won't go into details here)  I found that music came from an extremely difficult place within me.  It was so passionate that it hurt.  

After that I tried writing, but it too was angst filled.

Now, I paint with oils.  The expression is still there.  The creativity is still there.  The ablity to be in touch with myself is still there.  But painting comes from a peaceful place.  The change in medium has been an amazing outlet for me.  

I DO think that the creative process puts you in touch with your inner self.  For me, I can now be in touch with that self in a gentle way.... not a jabbing, painful way.




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« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2004, 10:28:04 AM »
Rojo, thank you for putting your thoughts down so well, it’s very helpful, to see you working thoughts through. My it’s complicated. But rewarding. I just loved your posting style. So honest!  :D Love it. Hug. P

Lynn you said this: “I found that music came from an extremely difficult place within me. It was so passionate that it hurt.” And I just want to say, I’m so sorry, I feel I understand you a little better for your saying this and I’m sad for you. I know there’s passion deep in you and that it is also passion with depth. I hope, I really hope you can reach it at some time, without it hurting, somehow making peace with the hurt to reach that part of you…sorry, not being very articulate at all, but this seems a very private place and I’m wandering in wearing size 11 mountain boots as usual. I want to say be strong for yourself Lynn, when you’re ready, there’s no rush. Optimistically, with love, P

PS Rojo: a quick hijack of your thread to go way off!
Dear all. Hiya! I've been catching up on the board today and as ususal want to respond to about 6 different posts but will, as usual, limit myself to a couple. :roll: I read just about everything because there's always something new to learn! E.g. Rojo's thread here really got me thinking, kind of 'one day I'll be like this, I hope' thinking. Look at what a short journey she has from confusion to comprehension! Amazing. Respect! But...but...I feel slightly weird now about my post above. I feel everso slightly silenced, walking around eggshells, if not directly on them and guess what? That's an icky feeling, one that I've just learned to recognise as Bad For Me. (Hey, give me a break, I've never been in therapy so it takes a while! :roll:  :D ) So I feel compelled to say hey Lynn, hope you take my message as it's meant, in all goodness for you....and my goodness, just look at how I'm double explaining myself!  :shock: Fascinating.  :D Hugs. P