I am so sorry for deleting your post along with my original thread. I guess maybe I should have copy/pasted your post before deleting the whole thing. I didn't think about it at the time. Please forgive me, as you have a lot of really neat info here to share.
yes, I sure do understand the plight of the narcissistically abused child and even the borderline ones. My heart goes out to those children and to the adult-children. My issue of frustration comes when I see adults in their 40's, 50's, 60's still living in those childish defense mechanisms, because they wouldn't go get help for it or take medicine that can help them think slower and clearer.
Someone asked in a different post, if I get upset because it makes ME uncomfortable. i'm going to be honest with you, YES, ExACTLY. It is very uncomfortable seeing someone old enough to be my grandmother, behaviing like a 4 year old in their reactions, or having someone watch every move I make and commenting about it all day long, because they are so insecure that they are afraid of what will happen next. It's frustrating seeing women who look and behave like the opposite sex because their parents wanted a boy/girl, to a point that the person has no clue how to be what they actually are gender-wise.
I'm not trying to be cruel here to anyone who is suffering in this way. I'm trying to be real as the person who is on the other end of it at times...the "counselor" if you will (or even if you won't). iI am not alone. I have spoken with people who know these people that did not get the help. It makes them uncomfortable to be around them too.
I do feel it should be mandatory that people who were abused, get into some form of counseling and not be allowed to tell people "i don't need it. I'm fine on my own." Too many have slipped through the cracks over the years. That makes me sound a bit dictatorial and maybe i am, but honestly, in this society there is no reason for an adult person to have to continue to struggle through life as a child in an adult's body, any more than there is an excuse for illiteracy in the USA.
As much as that child was once victimized and turned into a borderline personality or whatever, when they are older and befriend people and those people are subjected to all their strange, upsetting, flip floppy reactions, it's also not fair to those people either. That the once-victimized now becomes your victimizing friend, boyfriend, husband, wife, etc, doesn't make it any less abuse toward you either.
It's kind of like "hey, your drug-addicted son RAPED my daughter." I can FEEL your pain at having a son struggling on drugs, but once it touches ME or my children, then it's a bit harder to see you or him as a victim anymore. "Go get help or something," is how I feel at that point.
I've BEEN in a relationship with both a bpd and N. What was done to me because these women didn't fully recover from their abuse, was also abuse. Because I bring it up every now and then, does not mean I didn't forgive it. I did forgive. That does not mean that it was ok because they were abused as children, for them to abuse me. It also doesn't mean that I didn't want to go and SHAKE the tar out of their abusive, neglectful so-called parents either, because their abuse of their child, then was perpetrated on me.
I guess i see people that are still in contact with extreme abusers, as not using wisdom, depending on the situation. I am a HUGE Detatchment fan, if not N/C.
WHy would the Boy Called IT even WANT a relationship with his "mother" after what she did to him, especially once he KNEW it was EVIL and cRUEL? I'm a logical person and it does not make logical sense to me.
~Just some rather harsh, passionate, angry thoughts here. I admit it, I'm weary of all the ones slipping through the cracks and crawling out of them to go and abuse others because their own issues weren't handled rightly. I feel mad about it.