Hiya Dawning, you know I'm with you. And your thread here has got me hooked, so may I ask Jaded a question while you recuperate? Thank you
Jaded, I'm enjoying all your posts. I have a question about when you said:
He and I fit together great but as friends not as life long partners
and this might sound dumb but I am serious and want to know what you think: how do you know? Why isn't a friend a life-long partner? I bet I'm not the only one who'd love to hear your view, coz you sound so down to earth and like you've lived. And I feel I haven't lived, not really. Did you find your life-long partner or are you happy still looking? Hope I'm not being too inquisitive, don't mean to be...thank you, P
Hi Portia,
Ty for the kind words. You are not sounding dumb by asking the question that you did. Let me see if I can explain it in a way that makes sense to me, lol. The man I was refering to is a wonderful man, heck he is a wonderful person. I love him dearly but it just wasn't there for me romantically. He made me laugh, he made me smile, he treated me like a lady deserves to be treated, and we have a bond that can never be broken. We have known each other for probably 7 yrs. We began to date and we had alot of fun together but I just had no romantic feelings for him. He is very handsome, inteligent, and funny as all get out but I felt like I was kissing my brother, ew, thats a gross thought, lol.
I was very open with him and told him I loved him dearly as a friend but I just didnt feel that he and I could be any closer in a couple relationship. I also told him that I did not want to harm our friendship nor did I want to hold him up from finding a wonderful woman who was waiting for her dreams to come true. He is a very lovely person and he deserved all that a woman has to give. I could not lie to him while I tried to force romantic feelings towards him. He understood and we never looked back.
I know he will be a life long partner to me, but only on a friendship level. As far as a lover or a mate, nah, I just felt or should I say did not feel those feelings for him. You know, I knew I made the right decision when I fixed him up with my coworker. Never one time did I feel jealous or hurt when I seen them together. All I felt was happiness for the both of them. He was what she had been hoping for and dreaming about for a very long time. He is a wonderful man and I get joy out of knowing that I played a part in their happiness.
You also asked me if I had found my life long partner. That is a very simple question you asked Portia with a very complicated answer. I have a very unique situation here and to be honest with you, I can't answer that question for you because I dont know that answer. One day I will share my experience so that I can receive some feedback or comments.
Right now there are alot of milestones I must pass before I am ready to share with anyone. I am not a perfect person or an unrealistic person. I am a person who speaks my feelings and I speak them with the truth and without the intention of hurting anyone.
You dont fret about being out of line asking those questions. There was not one intrusive thought in my mind when you asked. As far as your comment about me living, oh I have lived but most importantly Portia, I have learned from living. I have made many a mistakes but I can also say this about myself. The mistakes I have made, I blame nobody else for them. I actually dont think of them as mistakes, I think of them as wrong choices. Everyone has choices in their lives and at times I have made the wrong choices but I always, always pick my sorry ars up by the straps on my britches and I work to never forget the outcome of the poor choice I made so as to never repeat them.
I just feel that life is one big learning experience. I will never know the answeres to all of my questions nor will I ever know the reasons for why things turn out the way they do. But I just know that somehow, someway when you think that you can not make it through another day, sunset occurs and before you know it, lord and behold comes the sunrise. You make it to the next day and then the next.
I waisted to many yrs trying to figure out how to read everyone and in what ways did they their needs need to be met.
I am not always right in my life but all I ask of anyone is that if they feel I am wrong, please show me how I am, share with me in a civilized, decent, educational manner how it is that my way of thought wrong.
Im open, honest, and very very wise to the world and some of the wicked people who live in it. There is nothing worse then playing a game without any rules to follow. So when people begin to play games with me and they havent laid out the ground rules to their games, um I pack up my gear and get the hell out of dodge. Ive been there done that and aint gonna play those games again.
Portia, what good is life if you dont live it? Live your life the way you desire life to be. Whether it be love or goals or just as simple as what you want to eat for dinner. Do what your voice inside of you wants to do or you will be a slave to someone for the rest of your life. I want to slave to reach my OWN goals and desires as well as for those who are in my life. I give without expecting much back but when someone crosses me more then a couple of times, pfft, I know when its time to call it quits. I look out for those I love but most importantly, I began to look out for my own well being too.
You have wonderful posts too I might add Portia. Everyone has so much to offer to everyone in their posts. I read them all and I know I am horrible about replying but at times I just like to sit back and read the replies so I can continue to learn lifes ways.