Author Topic: trembling!  (Read 17598 times)

peach pit

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« Reply #60 on: July 27, 2004, 05:23:15 AM »

If you were reading properly, you'd know that people were sticking up for P. There was one soft peach and one other person outofmodelurker which may be the same person who were adamant about the apology.

Sorry you didn't like my humor, but no need for the rudeness. I was making fun of the soft peach person who kept getting in everyone's face about an apology.


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« Reply #61 on: July 27, 2004, 05:46:15 AM »
Quote from: peach pit

If you were reading properly, you'd know that people were sticking up for P. There was one soft peach and one other person outofmodelurker which may be the same person who were adamant about the apology.

Sorry you didn't like my humor, but no need for the rudeness. I was making fun of the soft peach person who kept getting in everyone's face about an apology.

Sniff Sniff - yep - recognise the smell of ! WAPOS.  :roll:  I'd know that smell anywhere. Hahahahah and quoting Nic, "Shields up" and retro rockets engaged. CG zoomin' outta here now. Leave up to you now S.

sad, that Old POS here couldn't let Dawning's good work stand. But 'onya Dawning anyway!  :D  

So I'm outta here folks, before some 'peice of shit's' stench sticks to me. Not engaging, POS! Go F*** yourself.

Will bring Dawning's post back to the top and hopefully POS won't interfere. But sadly, I don't think POS will be able to help himself. Or herself. We'll see.



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« Reply #62 on: July 27, 2004, 05:47:12 AM »
Quote from: Dawning
Sjkravill wrote:

What does being free in marriage look like? Good question. I wish I could articulate it. H convinces me that he wants that for me. So, I start to think I am expecting too much. He is benevolant and hoping the best for me, and I am only holding myself down. Truthfully, I don't know what I mean by that.

Is there a lack of trust?  Do you feel he needs to define you?  Please don't feel obligated to answer these questions.  Just offering them.  I've learned by staying in contact with one of my long-term bf's from my twenties that he still needs to define me and keep me on a pedestal.  I don't see how a marriage can work if people are needing to put the partner on a pedestal.  I'm glad I didn't marry this person now.  Eventually, people on pedestals fall off.  

Bunny brought up a very good point about the difference between independence and autonomy.  Thanks,  Bunny.  Even when someone is, in fact, independent they can still feel tied to an N emotionally and forget that they are really independent.

I am so sorry to have caused such a heated conflict!

Apology accepted but it is not your fault.  HAHA.  A little humour here.  

I am also allowed to write about how I feel, and no one has to explain anything.

True.  And sometimes one can't explain something because they are not ready.  The words don't come out.   It is okay not to explain at demand. The question or statement, in itself, is good and can be re-read later when time has passed and then one might be able to offer an explanation.  Almost everyone on this board really wants to heal and do the right thing for themselves and others.  I don't see very many here shirking the explanation.  I tend to be very impatient about explanations.  Sometimes people don't have 'em when I want 'em and - depending on the situation - I can go a bit mental.  Words coming into my mind now: patience and takes things slowwwwwwww.  If people are really listening, they *will hear* and give it some thought and reply when ready.

Strawberry/Was SoftPeach

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« Reply #63 on: July 27, 2004, 10:36:31 AM »
Geeze, I guess stuff is only funny if it comes from you.

Yes...joke. Original poster was soft peach.

I'm really have no idea at all what the reference to myself is, but I just want to make it very, very clear that "peach pit" and myself, "softpeach" are two completely different, unaquainted people here on the board.

I'm not saying anything at all regarding the content of messages-- I only just want to make the difference between us clear.  

Though maybe it will get confused naturally.   I can see how it might.   I think I'll change my name board to "strawberry" lol....  

Now, peach pit, don't go changing yours to "strawberry stem" or something! lol


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« Reply #64 on: July 27, 2004, 10:44:31 AM »

Sorry you didn't like my humor, but no need for the rudeness. I was making fun of the soft peach person who kept getting in everyone's face about an apology.

Ahhh... I just read that. I get it all very nicely now.  Well, I don't know what is going on with this group.  :(

I'm going to join CG and leave....    Try another resource for support and sharing.

Best wishes to all of you.


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« Reply #65 on: July 27, 2004, 11:02:38 AM »
CG- Sorry you didn't like my humor, but no need for the rudeness.

You're kidding, right?   You don't think what you wrote (your original little "joke") in regards to me was incredibly rude?!

You are completely wrong about me, and I'm too polite to actually say it in words myself, but  before I leave here, I have to say I agree 100 % with CG's opinion of you.    

I won't read through any more of this crazy thread- it's pointless.

Anyway, well wishes to all again.  That's it for me in this neck of the woods.



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« Reply #66 on: July 27, 2004, 11:57:24 AM »
SoftPeach, you make sense to me.  I understand where you are coming from.  Having 'risked' offending with traditional bluntness, Portia's response (when the offence was taken) was surprising. I then saw that you tried to explain your position, not 'get in everyone's face about an apology'.  I hope you can feel heard by some of us and find a way to ignore this offensive little prick. It's a bit of a challenge, I know.

 :twisted: MM clearly has multiple personality syndrome and thinks everyone else has, too!! HOW many different usernames have you taken up to date???  There will be none left soon for the rest of us. :lol:

Where do you 'get off', matey mouse :
making fun of the soft peach person who kept getting in everyone's face about an apology.

This Board is not here to enable you to find a voice that chooses to make fun of people who are hurting and struggling to express their own thoughts and feelings.

What about supporting them to find positive ways of communicating for a better solution NOT 'hunt and destroy' for a bitter solution.  8)


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« Reply #67 on: July 27, 2004, 12:10:36 PM »
Soft peach is somebody from newbie thread

Guest 101

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« Reply #68 on: July 27, 2004, 01:45:14 PM »
Well, you can bet Portia is in the mix somewhere too.

Don't think for a second that a fiesty gal  like that would be able keep so "hear a pin dropping quiet" with all this reference to her.

Alex, for 20 points, I'll take the category of "people"....

Let'sssss seeeee....   My answer is...   I mean.... "Who", is MM, Snook, Peach Pit, Portia t..<interrupt> Sorry times up!  Commerical break and can't get in the other 30 names, but your answer is correct!

Sorry to see you go SoftPeach. I totally understand the things you were sayin' and and more importantly, how you said 'em.  With class. Some here could take a lesson, or two, or the full Ph.D course.  It isn't really like that around here most of the time. If you are reading this you may want to consider staying a bit.

Let me apologise on the behalf of the more emotionally challenged here.