Author Topic: trembling!  (Read 17574 times)

mighty mouse

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« Reply #45 on: July 26, 2004, 07:31:23 PM »
You are taking what I said way too harshly, and contrary to your last words, your tone with me is hardly welcoming

Well I guess you are taking my words too harshly as well. And you seemed to take Portia, Nassim and Renee's too harshly as well. Sorry I have an instinct to take up for posters who have been here a while.

Sorry about comparing you to the now maybe defunct poster. She was waaaay too sensitive and it bloated the board imo. But my apology is sincere none the less.

I am a nice person too. But I don't think that's the point, my point anyway.


mighty mouse

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« Reply #46 on: July 26, 2004, 07:39:46 PM »
Since I don't know you, I have no way of knowing if you've dealt with Ns or not. I wasn't being insulting at all in fact. Sorry you took it that way.


mighty mouse

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« Reply #47 on: July 26, 2004, 07:52:16 PM »
Maybe I should just say "Uncle" ! LOL


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« Reply #48 on: July 26, 2004, 08:01:26 PM »
Maybe you should just keep your mouth shut and stop slagging people off.


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« Reply #49 on: July 26, 2004, 08:09:55 PM »

I am genuinely here to have peaceful exchanges, to lend support, and be supported at times, and also to learn and grow.

I appreciate your last mails, and just want to let the negative energy go.

So, I will add "truce" to your "uncle" :)

Take care.


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« Reply #50 on: July 26, 2004, 08:37:59 PM »
oh my!

I am so sorry to have caused such a heated conflict!

I think almost everyone means well, and everyone comes to the board with their own stuff.

P meant well, and of course has a valuable voice on this board.  P, I appreciate your voice. I hope this doesn't mean we can't have any more board exchanges.  I am also allowed to write about how I feel, and no one has to explain anything. I really didn't mean to hijack anyone.  
This board is about everyone having a voice, right?

I do appreciate y'all's concern, and your wisdom.  I did ask for it!
I think and hope that Pandora is right.  That clarity will come and that I will work this out in my own time.

I think I am going to stay quiet for a while and let this pass over!

guest 100

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« Reply #51 on: July 26, 2004, 08:43:29 PM »
Maybe you should just keep your mouth shut and stop slagging people off

Really, is someone or somebody having a regression?

guest 100

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« Reply #52 on: July 26, 2004, 08:50:18 PM »
Oh my. Slagging is a noun.

Are ye speakin' the king's english or the queen's english?

Just have to know. Heeee, heeee


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« Reply #53 on: July 26, 2004, 10:15:33 PM »
Gosh!   I am checking in for the the day and am very surprised at the turn this thread has taken :-(

I don't want to add to things so I will refrain from saying what my opinion is.  

I only want to say that Sjkravill, it is good to hear from you.  As I was reading more and more, I was wondering whether the whole thing blowing up would deter you from posting any further, even if you felt you could use the support.

Doesn't seem like it.  Good!   IMHO, no need for it to.

I really hope things in this thread get sorted out soon, with no lasting hard feelings between people.


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« Reply #54 on: July 26, 2004, 11:35:31 PM »
Quote from: sjkravill
oh my!

I am so sorry to have caused such a heated conflict!

You didn't S, these people are responsible for their own nonsense and heated conflicts.
I think almost everyone means well, and everyone comes to the board with their own stuff.
Yep, can agree with you cause you said 'almost'.  :D

P meant well, and of course has a valuable voice on this board.  
Absa- fruitin'-lutely. Thanks S for saying that and recognising P's intent.

P, I appreciate your voice.
Onya S.  :D  You're my new hero for today.  Hip hooray!  :D

I hope this doesn't mean we can't have any more board exchanges.  
Good healthy thought/hope there.

I am also allowed to write about how I feel,
You sure are. Keep on keepin' on. It's all learning and growth. Even the yucky parts.

and no one has to explain anything.
Nope! I think we write here at our own risk and in our own wonderful freedom. People have a right to respond, in their way. And they do so at their own risk, in their wonderful freedom.

I really didn't mean to hijack anyone.  
Chooong.  :arrow:  Shot straight over my head, this one. hahahahahah Didn't get it all.  :D  That's okay. Never thought of you as a hijacker.  :D  

This board is about everyone having a voice, right?
Amen S. That's how we learn to recognise whether we could be bothered with each other or not. Whether we like or agree with each other.  :D  It's part of learning about ourselves. Ya see,  :D I read this post of yours here, and liked your voice, and what you said, so decided to respond to you.

I do appreciate y'all's concern, and your wisdom.  I did ask for it!
I think and hope that Pandora is right.  That clarity will come and that I will work this out in my own time.
That's all you've really got, in the end. Your own time on this earth! So I guess I have to agree and say " Of course it will."

I think I am going to stay quiet for a while and let this pass over!
It's your call S. But dare I say, and this is my voice, I really question the 'quiet' bit. A bit sad, I feel. But I won't assume too much. hahahahahahaha Diggin' ya' in the ribs there.  :D  Just wanna say, I don't think it'd be too good to let voicelessness back in, S.  :(

That'd be sad.

Anyway, just want to re-affirm one thing. You aren't responsible for the crappy turn this thread took. And neither is P. These people are responsible for their own hair-pulling and cat-fighting.

hahahahah S, guess what? Can I say something irresponsible and child-ish. PLeease? It's even really quite funny in parts if you're just observing from a distance and aren't involved. I know it's not funny for you, and you're feeling kinda responsible, and that's not funny.

But how they're carrying on, from where I sit, it is funny!  :D Reminds me of me in some threads. hahahahah

Oh well, I'll finish now. I'ts your life, your time, your call. But before I go, S, can I tell you what I'd do if I was you? If I was you I'd start a new thread hahahahaah, and ditch this one. It's got septicemia and gone toxic, and lost the plot of what you were/are on about. All the best to you S.


peach pit

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« Reply #55 on: July 27, 2004, 12:53:44 AM »
Dag nabbit. I'm gonna stay here and alienate ever' one on this here thread until I gets an apology from Portia. I demands it, doggone it.

And you other dim bulbers, I wants one from all yous too. Right now, Ya here me now?

I'm gonna have the last word no matter whats. Understands me? Yeah, ya all tried to dog pile me but that doggone pup won't hunt. Now gets back here and 'pologize to little ol me. And do it yesterday, ya hear?

Portia, you bettter cross that pond and get down on ya kneez, girl.


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« Reply #56 on: July 27, 2004, 01:08:21 AM »
To Dr G.

If that last post was meant as a joke, I don't think it wasn't funny. I thought it was quite sick. And I found it distubed. I'd like to suggest it's time for some intervention from the Good Dr. Dr G, I'm making a special request here. Will you please put a stop this, please? I mean, if peach pit continues, and harrasses Portia any more, will you do something? Maybe she'll stop. But please, if she doesn't!!!!

I don't know what you could do. Close the thread, block peach pit. Something! Anything! But please don't allow it to continue. Please. Not Portia, not anybody should be told to get on her knees to apologise.  :(


peach pit

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« Reply #57 on: July 27, 2004, 02:03:17 AM »
Geeze, I guess stuff is only funny if it comes from you.

Yes...joke. Original poster was soft peach.


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« Reply #58 on: July 27, 2004, 03:17:27 AM »
Yeah real funny 'peach pit' which/who sounds so much like 'peice of s***'


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« Reply #59 on: July 27, 2004, 04:25:01 AM »
Sjkravill wrote:

What does being free in marriage look like? Good question. I wish I could articulate it. H convinces me that he wants that for me. So, I start to think I am expecting too much. He is benevolant and hoping the best for me, and I am only holding myself down. Truthfully, I don't know what I mean by that.

Is there a lack of trust?  Do you feel he needs to define you?  Please don't feel obligated to answer these questions.  Just offering them.  I've learned by staying in contact with one of my long-term bf's from my twenties that he still needs to define me and keep me on a pedestal.  I don't see how a marriage can work if people are needing to put the partner on a pedestal.  I'm glad I didn't marry this person now.  Eventually, people on pedestals fall off.  

Bunny brought up a very good point about the difference between independence and autonomy.  Thanks,  Bunny.  Even when someone is, in fact, independent they can still feel tied to an N emotionally and forget that they are really independent.

I am so sorry to have caused such a heated conflict!

Apology accepted but it is not your fault.  HAHA.  A little humour here.  

I am also allowed to write about how I feel, and no one has to explain anything.

True.  And sometimes one can't explain something because they are not ready.  The words don't come out.   It is okay not to explain at demand. The question or statement, in itself, is good and can be re-read later when time has passed and then one might be able to offer an explanation.  Almost everyone on this board really wants to heal and do the right thing for themselves and others.  I don't see very many here shirking the explanation.  I tend to be very impatient about explanations.  Sometimes people don't have 'em when I want 'em and - depending on the situation - I can go a bit mental.  Words coming into my mind now: patience and takes things slowwwwwwww.  If people are really listening, they *will hear* and give it some thought and reply when ready.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."