This is what I think I know about sjkravill.
She’s 22 (maybe 23 by now, don’t know when birthday is).
The sex with this man isn’t good from her point of view. I personally get the feeling of some power thing going on with him, if only in his head, but that’s just a feeling.
Sjkravill has been uneasy sleeping in the same bed/room as him. I wonder if she has ever slept in a bed with a man and felt safe, warm, loved, accepted? That’s a lovely feeling isn’t it gals? Just wonderful quiet sleep with someone you trust completely. One of life’s gifts.
Apart from being romantic, I can’t see what this guy does in terms of a mutual relationship. Personally, I‘d want to marry someone who would care for me if I’d broken all my limbs. Someone who would wipe my bottom. Someone who would love me if I had sh*t all over me, someone who would love me for my mind, my opinions, the stuff I could share with him which together would make us a greater ‘whole’ than two individuals. Someone who sees the world in a similar way. Someone who could have a darn good debate with me about …. er…..whether people are born or made evil.
Sjkravill does not have any kids. Tricky one this. If she did have kids, she’d probably snap out of this half-life and realise she has to protect the little ones. She’d leave him, no doubt. But she doesn’t have kids and she *only* has her-Self to protect. No big deal then huh? She can let her own life go down the pan. Shame though, she seems such an intelligent, loving, caring person with so much potential. What a sadness that she’s going to let someone suck that life-force from her, make her a slave to his ego. What a tragedy. But what can I do?
Ah well, never mind, there are lots of women like her out there, not living for themselves, worrying about what other people think. Living under the misguided idea that what they do will affect others. It’s a pity they don’t realise just how selfish most people are - for good reasons sometimes – when you keep being cr*pped on, it can make you self-ish huh?
I was real sad when a colleague confided in me that her husband had moved in with another woman. She was 50. It seemed like the marriage of 30 years was over. I asked if she would file for the divorce. Know what she said? She shuffled uncomfortably in her seat and said…. “well yes, but, ahem, well I’m worried about doing it”. Why, I asked? “Because – what will people think of me?” Ah Jeez. I want to take you on a trip round the world, I want to take you tap-dancing, I want to see you ride a camel, snorkel over the Barrier Reef. I want to see you do what you want, once you know what that is. We’ll have great FUN finding out! Stuff duty and obligation and doing what you think you OUGHT to do. Come dancing with me on the square below the Eiffel Tower. We’ll put flowers behind our ears and wink at all the men. We’ll go to Katz’s Deli, which, I only just realised, is where the scene in ‘When Harry met Sally’ was filmed. We’ll do a double fake O scene for real (I bet women do it all the time).
But I didn’t do any of that with my colleague 4 years ago and I still think about her about once a month, wonder how she is. Maybe I could call her. I dunno. She probably wouldn’t want to do any of those things anyway. I don’t think she knew how to have fun, she was tethered by the ropes of her childhood I guess. Sad. Ah well, never mind.