Hi all....Hops, Tears, Bella, Leah, Lupita, Violet (Hope I didn't miss anyone!)
Thanks for all your comments. I did not find any of your thoughts critical or offensive in any way. I understand why you would say what you did. Regarding my silly little experience with the phone purchase, I did, of course, end up making a decision and buying the phone, as I would have if my parents didn't accompany me. I didn't expect them to make the decision for me. I just had hoped they could offer some input.
Technicaly, I'm not independent now (at least in the sense that I'm not living on my own). But I feel I'm independent since I do everything by myself and I have no one who takes an interest in or input into my life in any way. I do and have done everything alone---from traveling to movies to dining out to every day decisions to everything in between. Sometimes, though, I get so tired of doing everything alone...of not having anyone who can offer information or input or suggestions or just be a sounding board.
I am realizing that neither of my parents ever were that or ever will be. They simply don't care. My dad is seriously, extremely co-dependent on my mom. She is his whole life. I always thought it would be natural for a dad to want some kind of relationship with his kids...but my dad really doesn't. Unless my Nmom okays it, or it is something she wants, he doesn't care about it. To never have had a real conversation with your dad about anything that's important to you is sometimes so sobering. And my mom, well she is a true N. Gets worse all the time. She no longer even has any pretense that she cares about anyone but herself. She quite literally "tunes out" people if it doesn't interest her or isn't about her. She'll physically walk away from you, pretend you never said anything or change the subject back to her. Thus, I...am....invisible.
While I recognize it, I still find it hard to understand that no one in my family thinks of others. They really don't. Even my "healthy" brother, although he is certainly more caring, his "help" always comes in a version of what HE deems to be helpful. No one ever said, "what do you need? How can I help you?" I know this may sound selfish. I don't mean it to. I do appreciate any help I get...but when I try to help others, I always think first of what THEY need, not what I think they need. It's a difference in how you think. Do you think of yourself first or others first? I think those of us who are on the receiving end of Ns think first of others.
I am very depressed right now, I admit. I have been trying so hard to find a job and just can't. I'm getting interviews...but either they end up putting a hold on hiring, I'm overqualified, not qualified in a very specific area, or some other reason. I've spent the last two months working on a particular position. They ended up contacting my references whom I know gave me very excellent references...and I hear nothing...not even a ding letter. So it is extremely frustrating...because I'm caught in a trap.
I think, ultimately, I'm learning that I am alone and always was. Someone said here that not everyone ignores your needs or disregards you. But that hasn't been my experience. I guess just accepting that is key. I'm trying.
The other thing I've noticed about Ns and family of Ns...is that if you grew up around an N, you not only are forced to focus on the N, but you lose all sense of yourself. You have no dreams, interests or wishes of your own when your entire family has focused exclusively on the Ns. Combined with depression, this effect leaves you feeling extremely empty and with interest in nothing in this world....
Right now, any good thoughts and prayers in terms of employment would be wonderful. I continue to pray and sometimes I wonder how I keep going considering all the disappointments and rejections I've had to endure. I've tried to communicate to my brother just how difficult it is to keep sending out applications, going on interviews, doing all the work involved in that and getting rejected over and over again. Even when it's a good reason, the end result is still the same. Right now, I'm feeling like a total failure.....and since my Nmmo and FOO family judges people only in terms of how much money they have, how big a house they live in, or how big a job they have, it is really demoralizing.
Anyway, just explaining a bit. I do appreciate all your thoughts and comments. I know I'm not alone in how hurt we all have been by Ns. It is a life-damaging thing....All you can do I guess is try to keep your head above water.
Thank you for throwing me a life line....