Hey, anybody (no not you Somebody

), just a few thoughts I had about Somebody and her situation. I won't bother responding to Somebody's BS again. I don't 'FEEL' there's any point.
But I noticed the kids spoke to her sis, not her. Why is that not suprising?

She's an impenetrable wall of cold L/A steel. Shielded by her own BS. I get the picture that Somebody is a love-addict and a cold controlling deaf parent, absorbed and caught up in her own needs and desires. The kids. Ah! The poor kids.
It's no wonder the kids told aunty and not their own mother. I suspect that Aunty listens. And I think Somebody can't stand that. Bet Aunty has watched Somebody neglect her kids for years, but Aunty has always been there. The loving sis. Well so Somebody said, anyway.
But this was the last straw for Aunty. Aunty blew a gasket. Good onya Aunty. I'm not gonna tell Aunty there were better ways to go about it. She's human and from what I gather was very effective.
Aunty's protective maternal instincts rose to the fore. She's not gonna stand by and and observe anymore. She's gone in, boots and all, police, family friends. hahahahahahaahahahahah ONYA Aunty, for kickin' slimy child molester butt. .

More power to her.
Those bullshit stats Somebody presented would be mightily lowered if there were more Aunties like her around. Hip Hip Hooray. And Aunty is validating the kids feelings of hatred. Hooray! Thank goodness somebody is! That must drive Somebody insane.
Funny how much love and forgiveness Somebody is able to provide to this pervo guy who's shagging her, but can't find any for the woman who is providing much needed emotional support to Somebody's kids. Very curious. NOT!
Maybe Aunty is emotional. Maybe she isn't. I'd be more extreme than Aunty. But hey, I didn't read she's a mental health worker. She's been confronted with a horrible, dreadful family situation and she's doing what she feels is best with whatever her resources and abilities and skills are.
And I'm glad Aunty was responsible, and old El-creepo didn't end up getting away with it. Well he did get away with it. But he didn't get away with not being found out. He's caused so so much harm. But he's getting his.
Somebody said something like this, "He wouldn't do it again. He knows it's not worth. And he knows how lucky he is that I stayed with him. Another woman might have divorced him." Bucket please, barf barf. Can anyone believe that these kids mother said that. Read carefully. He knows it's not worth it.
Yeah, another caring feeling heartful woman-mother.
WTF! What a cold callous heartless disinterested frozen brain thing to say. I didn't hear, he knows it's evil. HUH!
How about, "He's not sorry he did it, he's just sorry he got found out." That's how I interpret her words. It's not worth what happens when you get found out, is it. hahahahahahaah what a joke.
Yeah, let Somebody live on with old child-molester in lala- land. He's a marked man. So's she now for that matter. This'll stick like the shit it is. And she thinks he's lucky cause she didn't divorce him. How arrogant!!!!!!
Cause she didn't do what was right and good for her kids. She's so great, so fantastic and he's so lucky to have her stand by him.
Hey I always thought the natural instinct was to move away when you smell a turd. Not towards it, and embrace it. Doesn't somebody know if you hug turd you end up smelling like turd. Some people.
"He's so lucky to have me standing by him and he knows it"

Rewind - Shame it didn't read, "My kids know they are so lucky to have me standing by them. I'm glad they know it."
Shame they'll never know that type of love from mother, but mother can't give the guy up. Not even for the best reason in the world. She said she'd die for her kids. Heard it all before. Cahnces of her having to do that are about 1/10,000,000. So big empty comment there. She just can't live for them and do the right thing by herself and them and get rid of the problem.
Poor pathetic Somebody, travelling cyber-world looking for support, because nobody in her real world can understand her stupidity and foolishness.
People are sickened in her real world by her attitude and choices.

we're real people here too you know. So guess what?
We're sickened too. Isn't that good.
I don't think Somebody really sees that what happened was so bad. She's trivialised it. I think that what bothers Somebody is that her pride is wounded because everybody knows now what a totally selfish, love-addicted rotten mum she is.
Somebody can't see the truth. She's come here looking to off-load her shit. But she's not interested in anyone's opinions if they don't agree with hers. So we are all supposed to have no idea, and just hate sis and the kids and love her and her shaggy sicko pervo H. Oh, sorry folks, no can do.
hey, you wanna know what I think? I think the kids knew if they told Mommy Dearest, she would put a lid on it somehow. Bully, bulldoze, taalk down/over. Look at her posts here. Imagine kids having to wade throughand make sense of that lot. No, she'd find a way to get them to 'Hush it up' . You know, I think she'd have successfully convinced them that there were her 'Privacy' issues!
I gotta give it to those kids. 3 cheers. They certainly blew the roof off that little shithouse. Good on ya' kids for taking it to someone who would do something about it.
And did I read in her latest diatribe that her relationship with her kids was never better, or was I dreamin'. hahahahahahahah Well then, what was all that other bullshit about? Ever seen a snake? Slithering all over the place. Somewhat resembles Somebody's ever changing facts. Oh well

I guess all types come to his board.
Hey, I spewed at Somebody telling me that 'facts' stats about child abuse. Yeah, most (not all) child abuse wouldn't occur if parents were more responsible, and doing their job properly, and vetting who their children are with.
Hey, I like how they had a good relationship and sex life till Aunty blew the lid off their little love-nest, and the world found out.
Didn't worry him obviously up till then, her not knowing, I mean.
Oh well, at least the kids know he stinks, and are free to thnik and say so. At least she wasn't able to silence them. Once again. Good onya kids for going to a listening person.
I wonder what the kids will say later when they find a forum like this to vent and try to work through the guilt and emotions and confusion and loss .
Might go something like this,
My step-father tried to have sex with me/my sister/brother and I told my aunt. I couldn't tell mum. I knew she wouldn't listen. Aunty went ballistic , got police involved. He went to court, was labelled a sexual predator. But mother stayed with him, and loves him, and has forgiven him and can't understand why we all hate him, and her, for staying with that sicko creep. I had to move out, he/they made me that sick.
They're still together and I can't understand why she chose to stay with him. She chose him over us.
My problem is this. I always feel like I don't count. I feel like worthless mud. I don't look after myself properly and I don't care about myself. Why? I guess it's because of how my mother loved a revolting child-molester more than me/us. She made me feel like a child molester was better to love and care for than her own child.
The lowest form of human life was suddenly more worthy, more imprtant than me. Than me, her child. I find I do battle with those feelings of inferiority everday. I am weighed down with the thought "I'm not even as good or lovable as a child molester." I'm trying to heal and get over the shocking reality that my mother gave him the love and priority and support that was meant for and needed by me/us.