Dr. Grossman:
LOOOOVED this little poll! The options are so typical of what an N parent would do.....When submitting my vote, my other thought was that there was absolutely no question, no hesitation that my Nparent would be the one going in the lifeboat. She wouldn't try to come up with alternate solutions....she wouldn't say she loved me or that I was strong enough to weather this storm...and she certainly wouldn't even consider that it would be best if her 8 year old child was the one saved.....
I think that's what's at the core of an Nfamily...at least in mine.....There is never any question that any and all thoughts should be first and foremost with the Nparent or Nsibling....As the child of an N, even an 8-year-old, you were taught to think only of the Nparent and his/her needs, never your own. The other comment I had about this scenario was even IF the parent was so self-absorbed that he/she insisted on being the one saved in the lifeboat, there would be no words of comfort, love, caring, angst, guilt or anything else that would help the child through the terrible scenario. Without hesitation or a single twinge of guilt, the Nparent does what is best for him/her, never the other person, even if that person is their own child.
But great poll.....I'll be curious to see how the results break out....