Author Topic: Dr. Carver article  (Read 975 times)


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Dr. Carver article
« on: April 12, 2008, 06:10:55 PM »
> ""I will be presenting a workshop on May 20, 2008 in
> est Palm Beach, Florida based on my "Identifying
> osers" and "Love and Stockholm Syndrome" articles.
> he workshop will be held at the Palm Beach County
> onvention Center from 6 - 8 pm with refreshments
> tarting at 5:30 pm. The workshop is sponsered by
> ilesmith Advertising/Design. For reservations and
> nformation call 561-835-0172 or register at
> ttp://  Reservations are required.""
this Doc, and this, his
latest article, is an example of clarity.

http://www.drjoecar miscellaneous2. htm

"""Do you know someone who quickly changes from sweet and concerned to
angry and abusive?
Personality Disorders: The Controllers, Abusers, Manipulators and
Users in Relationships

Who are these people that damage us emotionally, financially,
socially, and even spiritually in relationships? Some are con artist
like Victor Lustig (1825) who sold the Eiffel Tower not once, but
twice. Some remind us of "Alex Forrest" in the movie "Fatal
Attraction" (1987) who screams "I will not be ignored!" In mental
health terms, they are Personality Disorders. This article describes
the four Personality Disorders that create the most turmoil, damage,
and emotional exhaustion in our lives.

Gaining Strength

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Re: Dr. Carver article
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2008, 09:37:50 PM »
Lupita - what a great link.  I found lots of interesting material on and linked to the Dr. joe Carver site.  Thanks for sharing it.  - When i read the Loser description I found waayy too many of the attributes fit me.  That made me sad.  I would hate to think of myself as a "loser". In fact I don't - even those too many of the attributes fit.


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Re: Dr. Carver article
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 08:54:20 AM »
"""Do you know someone who quickly changes from sweet and concerned to
angry and abusive?
Personality Disorders: The Controllers, Abusers, Manipulators and
Users in Relationships

Who are these people that damage us emotionally, financially,
socially, and even spiritually in relationships? Some are con artist
like Victor Lustig (1825) who sold the Eiffel Tower not once, but
twice. Some remind us of "Alex Forrest" in the movie "Fatal
Attraction" (1987) who screams "I will not be ignored!" In mental
health terms, they are Personality Disorders. This article describes
the four Personality Disorders that create the most turmoil, damage,
and emotional exhaustion in our lives.

Many thanks, Lupita, for this superb information.

"Do you know someone who quickly changes from sweet and concerned to
angry and abusive?"

Unfortunately, I have experienced this, so yes, sadly.

Love, Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO