Hi BT & Seeker,
I guess I just kept missing you, Seeker, and sure glad to finally catch up
These are just my interpretations and not a segway to a debate.
I would say that describes a superficial, shallow, no-risk existence. Maybe you would mold into what others around you like to see, but it would be meaningless, cause your heart isn't in it, either to swell with joy or break from grief. Seeker, I doubt you would make a good Zombie.
I was about to use the word detachment as a definition, but I think there is a difference. I once had a friend who fit this description. She never got "in the trenches" with anyone. She was friendly and fun most of the time, but you knew that if you really needed her, she would not be there and was not really committed to anything. She was a single mother as I was, so we had a lot in common, but more in difference. Example: she felt no obligation to ensure her children receive a higher education. I enjoyed her company but knew she was not gonna be there for the long haul.
However, I must admit, that while I have never been able to actually pull it off, I have tried to "detach" before, simply to get a rest.
Curiously, I saw a documentary on people who have had "near death experiences," and a great many of them are no longer able to maintain deeply committed personal relationships. They feel love enmasse, but not so much individually. A lot of their marriages break up and relationships with others change. Others feel less important to them and left out, as if the experienced one is floating on a higher plane, holding some secret knowledge that makes them somewhat divine. It's rather like some new age stuff that I became involved in several years ago. I have given most of that up, deciding it's a form of deception in the guise of a golden answer.
Just points I wanted to share.
Approval Seeker -- could be a pun. It is very exhausting isn't it? Hurry up little girl, do this, don't do that, don't say that, walk this way, smile that way, do as your told, don't cry, get good grades, pull down your skirt, comb your hair, don't laugh so loud, don't make mother mad. What did I do? Oh yeah, what? Oh, I forgot she doesn't like me to .....eeeekssss ...
I have made this line my notebook wallpaper, thank you.