Author Topic: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining  (Read 6343 times)


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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2008, 12:32:33 AM »
Nothing like a deadline to motivate you.

Ummm.. or did I read the deadline was off?

Tues was the hearing, right?

Now off?

Attorneys never know what anything means when they're dealing with N's.

They're used to people making half assed irrational decisions....

not decisions based on personality disorders, which are much much harder to understand.



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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2008, 12:43:51 AM »
Hi Lighter (highlighter)-

How are you feeling? Hopefully everything has cleared up and you are feeling great and enjoying the weekend. Is it still raining?Today went by so quickly for me, the days are lengthening and the pace is not so frantic. Hope you and your babies have a lovely night and a fun Sunday.

Love You,

Whatever my name is, Chang, Changes, Changing???? (I'll get it straightened out soon)


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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2008, 01:26:42 AM »
Hey Light,

I know how you are feeling.  I don't know if I have a cold or allergies.  I was sneezing yesterday and feeling a little yucky but later on that night I couldn't breath all stuffed up.

I laugh because everytime I get stuffy I think of Hops saying,  can I interest you in a Netty Pot and I think to myself, I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO HER. 

I hope you are feeling better and by the way, how did you like using the Netty?  I'm seriously thinking about using it. 



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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2008, 01:27:23 PM »
A Neti pot is a marvellous natural health invention that prevents allergens from building up, clears congestion, and keeps the sinus passage in the pink o' health.

I believe the Yeti, or Himalayan abominable snowman, has always used one, and he has the sinuses of a water buffalo.

For all your affinity for nasal excresences, dollink L, you simply couldn't make your peace with a snot hose.  :lol:

(Yer right, you read the hearing is off. And my lawyer is off for the weekend so I of course have no idea what's up.)

Ugh. But I'm trying to let it be and not speculate on my brother's next move.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2008, 02:40:26 PM »
I do feel I failed at the nettie pot.


Not for lack of trying, of course but.....

the Ocean and Grapeseed Oil sprays would probably be helping if I had them.

Self care isn't something I've been spending much time on, outside gardening.

Deb..... try the pot, lol.

Id' send you mine but his little spout's gone missing; )



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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2008, 03:18:04 PM »
Hello Lighter-

Sorry that you are still feeeling poorly. There are nice inexpensive small facial sauna contraptions that you can use, you can add eucalyptus or whatever helps for you, and it really breaks down the obstructions and ick. Or the old-fashioned pot with chamomile and other herbs steaming with a towel over your head. And of course gardening, which makes everything better. Hope you recover soon.




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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2008, 04:22:09 PM »
Light and Hops,

I'm glad your feeling better.  I'm going to go for it.  Tommorrow after the Dr's.  I'm going to take the Neti Pot Plunge!  I can do it! I'll do it when my D is home.  I think she knows CPR in case of a drowning. 

PS I also heard from my tax lady that she had terrible allergies where she wouldn't even go out.  Tried everything and nothing worked. Someone told her to get local Bee honey within 25 miles of where she lives.  She did and said she is just fine now.
So I don't know if it really worked or just was in her head.



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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #22 on: June 01, 2008, 07:08:34 PM »

I would suggest standing...


in the shower, while using the netti pot.

Clothed, in case your dd has to recesitate.  ::nod::


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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2008, 11:08:30 AM »
ah - well, now I've got "it"....

been pretty out of commission - fever, sore throat, dizzy, and congestion both chest & head...
just can't go the netipot route, though...

might go home early today again. Being outside, I feel slightly better - so it's not allergies.
Hops - yesterday on my sick leave, I started finishing that 20 yr old life drawing... seems my Rbrain is functioning just fine; it's Lbrain that the cold or bug has disabled.
Might have something new to post soon...I've been avoiding her hair; so if I "bag it" today, that's what I'll work on...

... other stuff going on - with my daughter - but I can't type well enough to go into the explanation; might just blow over anyway.
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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2008, 12:20:44 PM »
Awww... sorry your sick now, Amber.

Much empathy for ya.

Get the zicam, the gooey nose squirt one, there's so many forms you can buy it in and the oral ones are beyond gack.

::sending you healing vibes and prayers all works out with your daughter::



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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2008, 01:01:17 PM »

How are you?

I am feeling better. How about you?

How are the girls?

How is everything going there?



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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2008, 01:41:23 PM »
I sent you a message, Lupita.

The girls are doing very well and I'm experiencing fewer physical symptoms,

muscle spasms.... cold's about gone.

Anxiety comes and goes..... same as shock and sadness.

Just trying to keep our lives on track and be proactive as possible.

Learning how to focus on the important things... and not get sidetracked.... big lessons for me.

Thanks for asking: )



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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2008, 09:29:13 PM »
breaaaaaaaaaaathing with you

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2008, 09:30:17 PM »
Just thinking of your pencil moving
across that drawing...
those tiny placed lines,
the presentness of it

Makes me happy

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Cold, headache.... scratchy throat... raining
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2008, 09:36:44 AM »
Lighter - I broke down and bought commercial drugs for the congestion. It helps, but it also disrupts my R-Lbrain connection. Being able to decide what I want to do - and remembering how to - or even just the doing of it. So something like drawing is almost a relief! (Outcome is truly not important - this drawing is just for fun.) I can just work from Rbrain... and take a break, to let Lbrain critique. We'll see if I can function at work today.

I talked to my daughter last night - and she straightened me out. All she wanted was to tell me her feelings and have mom listen & understand - warm fuzzies. But, instead, I made myself pretty miserable worrying, anxious, trying to "fix" her feelings... sigh. Working out why I do this (the Nmom-me pattern) and how to stop it this morning. I think I found the "dysfunction" in myself... but it usually takes a day-two of looking at these things to decide if it's just a wild-ass theory, or if there's really something true/valid in it. Fear & Control... and "who's" in charge of me. That's the gist of it. Really, it's much better than it was; progress being made...I just want to let this go completely, now.

The IMPORTANT things are just so, so simple, aren't they?

More, soon.
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