Author Topic: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?  (Read 16411 times)


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #30 on: June 18, 2008, 06:10:16 PM »
Hi Lise,

First.......thanks for the giggle (explanation to come).  Shows how product names can paint a picture.

I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up here in the great white north..........Canada.

We have a certain kind of corn here called:  "peaches and cream".  It's on a cob that has both yellow and white kernals, very sweet and creamy.  Deliteful!!    One can buy it canned as well.  So.......

note:  there are no peaches in the recipe.

LOL!!!!! that is funny...thank you for the giggle.

That explains it!



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #31 on: June 21, 2008, 09:41:22 PM »
Sela... tell me what and how you love that recipe.

I'm having hard time envisioning the finished product, but want to drool over it with you: )



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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #32 on: June 22, 2008, 06:19:16 PM »
Hi Lighter-

I think that I finally understand what you are saying in this thread...enjoy the creative freedom that comes with being able to eat according to one's own taste.... DU-OH!!!

I have been strictly budgeted, and focusing on that, grimly... Dumb Dumb Dumb... Today it was roasting hot here...I have an inexpensive little machine that makes lovely fuffy ice for sno cones (not those hard pill-like ice things), pureed some fresh berries (mostly strawberries), put these in with white tea, then over the fluffy ice- YUMMY!!!!
Then made a portion of Bertoli scampi with asparagus ( inexpensive if you use a little and then refereeze in a freezer bag), and some fresh fruit. Too hot for major cooking, but yummy nonetheless and really inexpensive. the best things in life may not always be free, but they can be wonderful and not cost a lot!!!

Izzy, your healthy and sensible approach to food gives me another opportunity to improve, Izzyfy and be happier- thank you!!!

I love to make food for others, according to their expressed favorites, but it is fun to do for myself as well, and inexpensive . Thank you for raising my consciousness!!! Bon Appetite Friends!!!!

Chef Changing


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #33 on: June 23, 2008, 05:07:53 AM »
Hi Light -

I got inspired by this thread...when I cooked for others, I did pretty well. Not fancy like you Lighter, but well received nonetheless. I used to have dinners at my home for executives in my husband's company who were "checking us out" in order to vet him for a position of greater responsibility- I was offered an opportunity myself!!!! I would also make several types of turkeys and side dishes for Thanksgiving, ground my own wheat, baked from scratch, made my own granola, lots of soups, etc... I have been absorbed with the stupid budget and Bagworms and was not even thinking about just cooking what I liked for myself (Earlier this year I was down to almost nothing and I am trying to retool my thinking about things- got internet again, etc)!!!

I got a lovely piece of salmon, cut several filets, put them in separate freezer bags- will prepare each in a different some olive oil- I looked for a type that I heard was rated #1 in Consumer Reports, pricey but incredible ( I only need a tiny bottle) but couldn't find it - if anyone knows where to get this, please tell me...Pretty vegetables, baby salad items, more fruit,berries, rice, etc. Even though we have been through a brutal heat wave here, these items can be prepared without baking the entire house!!!! Yummy foods that will become inexpensive but good meals. And Izzy, I left out the sweets!!!!

Love to all,


Certain Hope

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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2008, 12:12:04 PM »
Well, I was doing okay with this, Changing.... even got past the part about grinding your own wheat...
but that last bit about leaving out the sweets?!!?  Now you've gone too far!!       :lol:

Check this out, if you'd like... re: olive oil

Excerpt:  What's the difference between a $4 bottle of olive oil and a $20 bottle? Often, not much more than $16 and fancy packaging. In blind taste tests of 18 extra-virgin olive oils--national and store brands plus boutique oils from California--we found that Goya, $4.15 per 17-fluid-ounce bottle, held its own against the gourmet products and bested oils from big names such as Filippo Berio, Bertolli, and Colavita.

Next, I guess, google Goya  :)  and... Happy Cooking!

Love and hugs,


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #35 on: June 23, 2008, 01:42:23 PM »
Ah, changing

I couldn't resist a pkg of 4 Nanaimo Bars from the store's bakery.
It is just a waste of my money, as I ate 3, spaced out that day, and 1 the next day, and what did I have to show for it?  Nothing, but the thoughts of calories!
So that is why I indulge in very few sweets!

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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #36 on: June 23, 2008, 02:51:45 PM »
I forgot about my Sherbet!!

I always have a container in the freezer, and a couple of teaspoons of that usually satifies my sweet tooth.

Last night I finshed off the Orange Sherbet (2 tsp)

Opened my new Peach Sherbet (had 4 tsps as it is go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oD!)
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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #37 on: June 23, 2008, 05:51:10 PM »

FINALLY! Someone who's with me on the Bertolli dinners! Yum! They really are better than some resataurants I've been too. I try to get at least 3 meals out of them, sometimes more.

...I was thinking of everyone on this thread as I ate this weekend. There's a sun-dried tomato pesto (doesn't taste like pesto) that comes in a glass jar. I put this in my scrambled eggs or make an omelette with it ... and it is just wonderful. (I'll try to get the name.)

Also, my two big cooking hints are (like I can cook...): Herbs de Province makes almost everything good. It is particularly unbelievable on eggs. (Scrambled, omelette.) Wow!

Similarly, Smart Balance makes everything good. I swear!!!!!!!

Izzy, love that you love sherbet. My new thing is Turkey HIll Venice Italian Ice. Usually get lemon/cherry but if I go to another store I can find pomegranite/blueberry. Both are great!! But peach sherbet! Wow! Never knew it existed.

I still may cave in over the fourth of July and make a berry crumb pie. Have to say, that's one thing I do well. And a really good lemon sponge pie. Yum!!

Anyone live in PA? Because you HAVE to go to the Brick Tavern in Blossburg and have  their cream pie. I am not kidding, you will think you are absolutely tasting heaven on earth. Unbelievable.

Well, those are my food fantasies for the moment. Despite them I've lost a few more lbs. Yea!!!!!


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #38 on: June 23, 2008, 09:51:42 PM »
Lighter, the recipe was pretty good.  It was a kind of chicken chili something.

Izzy!  2 tsp. of Sherbert!  I could never stop there!

 :D Sela


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2008, 10:12:35 PM »
Love it Sela.

After the pain of the cold sherbet runs up both sinuses, I am still able to enjoy and I do NOT tempt fate further!

heh heh heh

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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2008, 10:16:22 PM »
Tonight for dinner I had the greatest steak, that covered almost ½ my dinner plate, and salad covered all the rest.

Lettuce, carrots, radishes, cucumber, onion, tomato and, just to end a bottle of it, Caesar Dressing!

I was sufficed but not stuffed. That's the way I like, and enjoyed every bite!

Yum! Yum!
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #41 on: June 24, 2008, 12:21:05 AM »
Wow Izzy Deer!!!-

2 teaspoons of dessert- I am not that evolved yet!!! Bu I will try...

Tonight I had a lovely salmon fillet on greens, with vegetables and a fresh fruit slush (still hot but not so insanely hot now!!!) So yummy, just like I love it...

Lily Cat- I really love that Bertolli scampi, it is especially handy when it is too hot to really cook... As for pie, there is a little place in Central California that just makes pies- usually seasonal fruit pies- it is always jammed with truckers, etc. The flaky crusts and incredible fillings- one cannot keep them long as it is impractical on the road, it makes you want to eat several when you are there, with cold cold milk ( Sorry Izzy!!!) I would love to take a trip there just for the pie!!!! Lastly, what is in the blend of herbs that you are referring to- I would love to make a stock bag up with them...

Sela, do you think that the recipe that you referenced would be good to prepare during the heat?

This thread is fun...

Love ,


sea storm

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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2008, 01:02:20 AM »
My latest things are curried prawns. This is very easy.  Just add curry paste to yogurt and throw in some green stuff like parsley and garlic  after you have stir fried the frozen prawns. Takes only minutes and it is very good.  Serve over steamed vegetables or rice.

My favourite dessert is one can of cherry pie filling and two danish.  Cover the danish with cherry pie filling. It tastes great.

This next is healthy and easy.  Put dinner in tin foil. Lots of veggies (onion, brocolli, potatoe, squash, garlic) put in a little meat or prawns and cook in oven 30 minutes.

Sometimes I have popcorn for dinner.  Sometimes I so bagged from work, I just eat toast.
I notice that I have more energy when I eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

Sea storm


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2008, 11:24:51 AM »
This thread sounds like the Lean Cuisine commercial ... "last night for dinner I had...."

Changing, you're making me hungry for pie! And I never ever liked it until the last 2-3 years when my dad introduced me to two of his favorite pie places. (One forever to be known as "the pie place.")

Herbs de province is from ... province, france, I assume. You can find commercial mixes at your grocery store, but they are not as good as what you can find elsewhere. My friends brought me back a bag from France a few years ago that I'm still using, but you can find the mixes many places. These same friends like a kind that they find at TJ Maxx and Marshalls -- I think it's called Nancy's, or maybe Victorias. I'll look when I go home tonight. I don't like it because it's "woodier" -- more stems -- than I care for, but my friend is a wonderful cook so I concede to him.

Have you ever heard of Penzey's spices? (, I think). That is the best place to get spices. And very cheap. Amazing.

Anyway, I'm not sure what all is in the blend, but I think it's marjoram, thyme, parsley, rosemary, fennel ... I'm sure the real cooks on here can tell you better than I. If you google it you can probably find all sorts of recipes.


PS -- I like the bertolli chicken parmagiana -- but they're all great! Also like the chicken andmushroom fettucine.


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Re: What do you guys eat when it's just little old you?
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2008, 09:41:31 PM »
Curry and garlic and pie....


Prawns and iceys and chili.....


The one thing.... errrr.... TWO things that stopped me, rather cold, were....

the sun dried tomato anything.....

there was an explosive stomach incident with sundried tomato cream cheese spread involved.::shudder::




wheat? :shock:

I can't even begin to imagine doing that, lol.   What patience and attention to detail you have!

Lily..... i want so much to live near you and your pie baking skills.
