Interesting how your opinion of yourself is so wrapped up in what "she" wanted you to believe about yourself?
I am always amazed at the different reactions of different kids that I observe in certain situations.
When I was very small (5-6 years old), my mom would invite some relatives over for coffee visits. These ladies were nuns (very catholic upbringing!) and anyway, they were old ladies to me whom I did not know very well at all. When they came over, my mom would call to us (me and my brother and sister, very close in age.) and we would come and greet the nuns and then, one of them would inevitably say, "Come, sit on my lap!".
My heart would fall as I had no desire to sit on her lap. (I wanted to go play!) But out of obedience and my mom's drilling into me You must be polite! You must be NICE at all times! I would dutifully sit in the Sister's lap for as long as I could possibly stand it. I don't remember ever being the first to indicate that I wanted to get down. It was usually after a while, she'd say "Go on and play now!" And I would only then get down. I felt tortured the whole time, trapped, imprisoned and betrayed by my mom, who I thought should have known the pain I was feeling.
My sister and brother, on the other hand had their wits about them and either refused to get on a lap, or squirmed so much they were released after a few moments.
I watch my son's friends to see how assertive they are. Only one has shown signs of having been abused.
I always stand up and cheer in my heart when a child steps up and says, "I don't want to right now. No thank you." Polite and firm.
Yay for little ones who have healthy boundaries!!
Ami, have you ever experienced "chair therapy"? Where you sit down with your mom (not really - it's just a chair sitting there representing your mom) and you tell her all the things you wish you could have said as a child. Only now you have the words, as an adult, to express them. It's very cathartic and helpful, I think, in getting those pathways in the brain laid down - for future times someone may stumble over your boundary and you have to firmly push them out of your space.