I read something recently that made me think that hypervigilence and paranoia can sometimes look the same. On reading further the distinction seems to be that folk who are paranoid don't have a clue that they are. OTOH, hypervigilent folk sometimes think they may be paranoid when they aren't. I'm not saying you are hypervigilent. I am saying that if what I read is right (can't remember the source, but it is in a post I made here about three weeks ago) your acknowledgement that how you are thinking could look like paranoia, is evidence that you aren't. Sometimes, just being able to derermine 'what it isn't' is freeing. I think you are on target in what you say here:
tt--It is those reminders of "bad" people from the past that is driving me crazy lately. It keeps happening all the time. I am constantly triggered. Which makes it hard to separate out what the person is really doing from what they are making me feel like. In other words, I am feeling constantly betrayed and back-stabbed. Maybe some of the people are doing things innocently and some of them are not. But it all feels the same to me. It all feels bad. It is a struggle to keep reminding myself, okay, this person doesn't seem to really have it in for me, but this person has a history and her bad actions have just confirmed what I suspected all along. This person might be okay and even an ally but this person is an enemy. I just want to get away.
I don't think I am being paranoid, I am being very touchy and very hurt. It so distracting. A good indicator of needing this therapy and meds, I think.