"to speak of many things
Of ships and seas and sealing wax
Wheelchairs, cats and kings!"

So now after 39 years, to save my shoukders, I have been told that my 2 block trip to the Library is too much. I
ought to have a battery operated chair! So a style like this is not too bad, but I don't want a dance hall attached nor a bathroom nor an apartment to rent. It is still going to feel like a 'kiddy car' and I am going to feel less independant.
My mother was 39 years in the chair, but she never took part in the escapades that I did, nor even wheeled around the block.
I didn't see this coming!I can still use this one to fold and put in the car, but all my downtown trips will be in my 'kiddy car'.
Now I will be searching the Internet for Canadian prices. $6,000.00 ?.....out of pocket.