Author Topic: ...  (Read 2721 times)


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« on: September 15, 2004, 04:44:13 PM »


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« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 05:06:06 PM »
My psychopathic nmother is racist - and vocal about it.  She hates blacks, chinese people and gays with more fervor than I can articulate to you in mere words.

She does, however love to play the role of a victim - and I've noticed that she does not have racist feelings for Saudi Arabian people - as she finds fantastical romance and sexual intrigue in how they "posess" their women.

And this might sound weird for a narcissist but I have recently been told that my crazy mother has met a Native Indian online that runs a wolf protection ( my mother has an obsession with wolves because her clinically diagnosed psychopathic father, whom was absent in jail or on the street most of her life, posessed and loved wolves )

While I grew up - my mother would racially slam native indians, but now she's contemplating running off with one she met online (he's married) to another country where she can live in a cabin that this man is to build for her, so she can liveout her days in creative solitude - not having to work or pay her way - with this man supporting her, and in exchange this man gets his fill of her sex at his disposal whenever he feels like sexing another woman than his wife.  The wife seems ok with this.

The Warden (mommy dearest) hates men, fundamentally - but at the same time, like her mother - feels that sex is the only thing valuable to offer a man, and that sex should be a form of "currency".  She does not have sex for love - she has it to payoff debts - or the costs of living.  What better way for her to not have to work or support herself - by living off a man she only has to see when he wants to get his rocks off.  This feeds into her fantasy of being a "kept" woman and a "daddies girl".  

My mother does not associate love with arousal.


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« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 07:29:38 PM »
Ns hate anything that smacks of "otherness".  

Interesting, Ellie, that you would choose the name Hitler.  This is exactly how Jay Carter of the "Nasty People" books characterizes an "invalidator".  His technique of dispelling self-doubt is to ask "would you be open and aboveboard with Hitler when trying to escape?"  "Did Hitler admit to his wrong-doing and atrocities?"  etc.  Someone else also invoked his name, saying the real terror are the hitlers among us.  



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« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 10:48:28 PM »
Yeah, my dad had a bad attitude. I can't repeat the names he called different groups.  It is sickening, the jokes and all.

My mom was down on persons with disabilities.

 I was only able to visit my grandmother after her stroke one time. I wasn't able to visit after that. Grandma tried to talk to me at the visit but her words were slurred. She was moving around, and brushed her hair out of her face. I think she couldn't see. But I thought she would improve somewhat, it was in the early stages. The next thing I heard a week later she was dead. They took off her feeding tube and oxygen and let her die because she had said through the years she didn't want to be senile when she grew old. Yep, pretty convenient. Get rid of that financial liability and inherit more land at the same time! Her sister was livid and said her children had pulled the plug on her. To top it off, my mom said that my grandmother was calling my name at the last.  Yeah, sure N mom instill a little guilt on someone else when you can. Shift the old guilt - a - rooni while you can.  :roll:


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« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2004, 01:08:35 AM »
I can certainly say my dad had prejudices: he needed to be unique about them, though. Gay folks, people of colour, the disabled are all the downtrodden, to my dad. However, you are evil if:
->you work in any way for the government, organized Christian religions, or major corporations.
->you are doubly evil if you work for a pharmaceutical company or the police.

Now, granted, there are a lot of people who have problems with the "system" as it works; but most people have a grey area. The pharmacist or the doctor, the policeperson, or the receptionist for a "major corporation" may be trying to do the best they can. For my dad, though, they MUST be evil.

Yet, I have heard my "ultra-liberal" father curse entire classes of his "downtrodden" people: lesbians (when a woman turned him down), and black folks (when his car was broken into...)


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« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2004, 11:56:21 AM »
Dear ListNewbie,


I have heard my "ultra-liberal" father curse entire classes of his "downtrodden" people: lesbians (when a woman turned him down),

This defense from an N man always cracks me up.  "she must be LESBIAN if she doesn't want to sleep with ME!  Sheesh!  What is HER problem?"   :lol:  

My father thinks beautiful women should welcome the attention of every man generous enough to appreciate them.  ICK!   :twisted:
He simply cannot understand why any woman would reject any man.  Huh?



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« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2004, 11:28:32 PM »
Ha ha!!  yes, i heard that one so many times by Nmen which i seem to attract since i am an Nenabler, thanks to my Nmother.  Those men always asked if i was a lesbian when things don't go their way on a date.  Ick!!  



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« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2004, 12:22:25 AM »
Ns hate anything that smacks of "otherness"

If that is the case, then the entire country I live in could be called a culture of narcissism.  But I think its interesting that the whole *idea* of dividing ourselves into *us* and *them* is a kind of nism...a mild form, perhaps, that only gets bad when its used to purposefully hurt someone just for supply.  

Did Hitler admit to his wrong-doing and atrocities?" etc. Someone else also invoked his name, saying the real terror are the hitlers among us.

Ah, good point.  I'm starting to understand this dynamic more and more.  I've met some people who act as though Hitler was a one-off thing - or Pol-Pot or Stalin.  These are usually people who are likely to justify their own awful behaviour - that is what I've noticed anyway.   :evil:   Another lesson learned for me: beware of people who ask me what I think of Hitler.   :roll:

Where I live, some of the western men have a deep-seated prejudice of foreign women.  One of them is a real N Kingpin.  He looks all nice on the outside, all smiling...but I've seen him change his behaviour towards other men when he thinks that they've used a woman or caused a woman pain.  He then becomes very nice to them and starts paying alot of attention to them.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."