I need Help. My partner and the father of my unborn child is narcissistic. The definition on the first page of this site is he. He does not obviously skite about his achievements, rather he is stupidly generous with his money to show that he is successful. He yells to cover his lack of proficiency at anything etc. He does not hear anything that i say to him unless i do it i an aggressive and violently verbal fight. We have those regularly at the moment. Apart from the verbal abuse that he lashes at me when he is frustrated or worried, he is constantly critical of my other 3 children (who are exceptional children) with cheap shot comments like "don't teach him [5 yo son] bad habits. He's bad enough". He has 9 drink driving convictions and is facing a 3 month jail term for the last of the 1st Nov 2004. He still does not see why his convictions should be a jailable offense. He has been unfaithful to me with hookers from the first day that i met him. When i have discovered the instances (many) he says 'that it is not like i think it is' and that i'll make myself sick with it. I get into trouble for constantly searching for evidence and not trusting him. He says that since finding out that i was pregnant that it has stopped, which i doubt. I can't find it in myself to trust him. If i was not dependent on the income that i derive from working for him, i would not have had anything to do with him when i found out about the hookers the first time, which was when he went to jail for a week in March (he is out on bail for appeal). His attacks on my children especially my son have become more frequent and thoughtless. He shows remorse only when i threaten to toss him out of my home. I don't want him in my life anymore, but i need to work for him until December so that i can afford to move etc. I do not feel anything for him anymore, just an obligation to look after his business affairs if he goes to jail in November. How do i minimise the damage to my children? How do i minimise the damage that i know i am suffering? How do I recover from the hurt of the infidelity so that when he is gone, i can go on with a normal life? How do i explain to my child that his father is a prick? How do i tell his mother that she is the cause?