I liked all that

Thanks for saying it's OK to fall apart (and why wouldn't it be). And wearing purple - oh, yes!
I've done quite a bit of 'sane thinking' last night and this morning. I found myself gripped in some malevolent energy at one stage last night, thinking through the past. I didn't notice until it had stopped and left me still reeling. That...was...WEIRD! But i decided I didn't want to retrace my thoughts to find out where it came up from in case I reconnected with it. I'll leave that for when I'm feeling stronger - or when I see my Reiki healer next week.
In replying to someone else this morning I was left with a thought...
When my mother is once more dying...what will I do? Frankly I'd like to pretend my mother simply doesn't exist and tell social services to deal with the funeral and burial. Maybe I'll be lucky and she'll just 'go' in her sleep. Unlikely. It's just not her style. (Not joking)
She's not about to let go - she keeps leaving messages for cousins - what's the matter with my daughter, why won't she talk to me, her husband can't be telling her how distressed I am or she'd call me. She's been told that I'm not coping and hubby and I believe she is as concerned about me as much as it is possible for her to be but she can't hear that 'not coping' means 'leave me alone until I can'.
PLUS she's now got a mental health worker to talk to about all her distress - although as far as I can tell she says she can't talk to her and doesn't share her distress so they'll just say that she's got no problems and is just manipulating me instead of daring to think the unthinkable that she trusts me and therefore DOES confide in me. Honestly - she's just a hurt child, really, if you reach way into who she is. And whilst, in the flesh, she'll treat me badly, on the phone she just 'freefalls'. So I'm expected by all the professionals (and her) to take on the burden, like a rucksack, but in secret. They all say 'see no problems'. What am *I* supposed to do with all the stuff she confides? Here it is - a whole new load in my arms. Where am I supposed to put it?
The care home manager's responses meant that finally the whole thing imploded, exploded...They refused to talk to me, refused to allow me to talk to them. When i told the social worker...(no words for this). They wanted me to continue to have a relationship with my mother - just one that wouldn't cause problems for them.
HOW can you manipulate a relationship to be what someone else wants for CONVENIENCE?
I made a mistake - because I allowed myself to be persuaded that I should withdraw from my relationship with my mother - a perfectly OK functioning one. I was even getting something from it myself. For the first time in my adult life!!!
But if I was not allowed to talk to the care home, then my mother had to understand that she HAD to communicate with them direct. She was hysterical. She knew that I had withdrawn - she said later my voice was like steel. I've had to do this at other times to save my own life. Here I was doing it again. Slicing through the umbilical cord. Thwack!
I FORCED the nurses to come and be with her and listen to her. I worked past their usual shrugging of shoulders and indifference. (She on one phone in one ear; nurse on another line in the other!) The next day they finally allowed her to see the GP - she ended up on a variety of medications. Finally they stopped ignoring her and belittling her requests. Anti anxiety tablets probably mean that she really IS fine and now can ask for what she wants.
But I can't risk making contact. It's over. She hasn't even done anything. It's not her fault (for once) - well, kind of but only because of her fears and AS, not because she willed anything bad against me. I did what I did and colluded with the 'bad guys'/persecutors to remove myself from the picture - and then realised I'd done it to appease other people's ignorance and egos. I felt horrorstruck about that. I wanted to hurt myself really badly. I did phone her again but spoke only briefly when I heard someone from the care home approaching. I felt sick to my boots. I've spoken to her once since then but again only for a minute or so because a member of staff approached. I said I'd call back later - but I didn't. I emailed my husband and asked him to - but he didn't pick up my email that day. She knows she can call him.
I think I've probably written much of this before. I've come in full circle. I've been all round the houses. And here's where i'm stuck. If I could say 'goodbye', I'd be happy to do that. Seeya. End of story.
I can't tolerate her any more. I can't do what I'd been doing (the meditative 'allowing it all to wash over me' telephone calls - doing my 'understanding it from an AS point of view' thing). I've been taught well and truly not to do that. Or else!! Wham!!!!!! (from the care home, social worker, mental health assessor and anyone else who feels like joining in - still feeling totally humiliated about staff being told not to speak to me!) It feels like AVERSION THERAPY.
I don't want to 'interfere' and take her away to somewhere more 'convenient' for me and my feelings - it could finish her off and she's much more happy I assume with her pills. Plus - with our 'history' I'm not sure I could find anyone to take us!!! She's a long way away at the moment. Plus she needs to be properly assessed prior to a move so she gets the appropriate support she needs (not just tick the boxes stuff).
If I phone her, I can't stop her rabbiting on. I can't stuff my ears up. And, with her new found confidence, she wants to know about me and I have no desire WHATSOEVER to talk about my own life - she can't help being negative and creating uncertainty, undermining my confidence. HONESTLY we had a relationship which WORKED and the bas***ds screwed us right royally and want us to have a relationship which would be nothing but damaging to me.
So that's it - I'm cut off and cut out. And my mother feels - ? Rejected, bewildered? Who knows. Probably none of those.
I can only hope that time heals in some way - that events take their course one way or the other.
I'll just have to keep to my mantra - can't cope, won't cope. Although it probably doesn't make sense to anyone else.
I'm thinking I should say to my cousin : why don't you tell her the truth - that I've contacted you on two occasions in the past six months in a great deal of distress, that you didn't reply and you don't want to get further involved.
I'm reading a book about using energy to heal - golden light and all that. I'll send some of that golden light to my mother, too. A grey cloud for the care home manager. (Surly frown) I know that's a bad thing to do but hey why should I give her the benefit of all my gifts - and an unfair advantage!!!