YES, TearTracks, I HAVE thought about this! A lot... This question that you asked.
We are ruminating and worrying, We are NOT meditating. Meditating is very different then worry and rumination.
Actually, Phoenix Rising, explained that well.
In meditation one seeks to not get stuck on any one thought, to notice them but not hook onto the thought.
Reading backwards, it feels like I spent 7 years of involuntary meditation on the injustice of my own childhood abuse. It seems that many of us here are caught in involuntary meditation and don't know how to move ourselves to what might be a more favorable & rewarding type of meditation.
A concrete key to this phenomenon is explained in the book (WAKING THE TIGER) that I recommend earlier in this long line of posts I've been putting out there, that is part of the reason why I recommended it but I have a hard time writing every thought I've ever had about this process.
((((JUST READ THIS BOOK)))) It's not just another vague book, it is different. This man who wrote this book is so humane.
Can I be concise: The author has a scientific approach and he combines "shamanistic" approaches also to take a person back to the original trauma experience in the mind. It is not new-age nonsense, it is just "out of the box" medicine.
His explanation for WHY WE RUMINATE SO MUCH. It has to do with the nervous system. Our nervous system gets stuck at one point in a natural cycle. It's part of the fight or flight response. We are animals too, mammals, homosapiens right? So we as humans go through this fight or flight response and if we can not fight or run away and be triumphant our body gets stuck in the process of this natural cycle.
It's a nervous system loop that needs to resolve it's self.
I think that is a big CLUE to the answer. I LOVED this book, it is so smart.
The other part that I think it is, my opinion at least, is that all of life is trying to move towards health in wholeness, like our immune systems are allways working by themselves, we don't have to do anything to make the immune system work, they just are happening behind the scenes like the theater crew building the set and the costumes and doing all the work but we just see the play-performance.
On some deep level I think the rethinking is our attempt to relive the trauma experience and figure out how could we do it differently, how could we triumph.
I personally don't ruminate about every thing, do you? Usually it's just certain things, the more stressful and UNRESOLVED it is the more we ruminate.
We are just attempting to be healthy, whole, stabilized, reach homeostasis.
The thing is it's on that deep level, our minds probably will never figure it out,
It's like the riddle that has no answer. (To our minds)We have to be emotionally taken back to that place so we can relive it and then conquer the predator.
Or have similar experiences in the current time that are healthy.
Meditation is the antithesis to rumination.
I personally feel that I'm telling my story for a little different reason then ruminating, but it is still an attempt to become complete, and be in the world, and get healed, and be heard, and be known, and be seen, and not be invisible.
There are other aspects of rumination, I find that it can also be related to validation.
This is personally some of what my soul is feeling:
"Please believe me!... Please, it really did happen, I know they said it didn't happen, but it did!!!... I'm not invisible"... I'm real!!"
"My feelings are real"... Please... "Why don't you see that my feelings are real" ....."Does anyone see me"...
Am I here?, I think I'm here, but no one acts like I'm here, maybe I'm not, maybe I'm a ghost.... And then something shuts down
But I go over it and over it because I lacked validation. But also it was very stressful. It's stressful to be invalidated.
I think of it as a type of Psychic trauma/soul trauma.
We are broken records in our minds because the record player needs us to come and fix that spot so the song can finish. Then we can put that song away and play a better one.