I was wondering if there is a difference between inappropriateness and lack of boundaries for N's. Are they one and the same? Are N's just so all over the map that their lack of boundaries cause them to be inappropriate, or, are they inappropriate first because they have NO boundaries to speak of? Like the chicken and the egg dilemma.
I have about a jillion examples but here's one that I need to let some steam out about: (girls, you gotta love this one)
My Nmom divorced my easy going, yet passive, father 19 years ago, when I was in my early 20's. My father remarried a very nice, giving and supportive lady. I really like her, and she's been like my second mom to me. My Nmom is raving jealous of her and can not stand when I bring up her name and calls her names, etc.
Okay, there have been several family events that my Nmom has been to that have also involved my father and his wife. My Nmom acts really weird, saying weird things as if she's almost flirting with my father. I can't really say for sure but she goes on and on in front of my dad and his wife about her memories with my father, vacations, fun times, special moments, gifts he gave her, etc., she speaks loudly where everyone around her can hear and they all have funny looks on their faces. My dad's wife gets a bit uncomfortable and it's really agonizing to watch. I think this is inappropriate. She knows the boundary here but wants to make my dad's wife jealous. Agree? Or is it that she had no boundary to begin with so she doesn't know any better????
Okay, here's the big one. I had a beautiful get together for my daughter's 2nd birthday party last month. It was outside in the garden late in the afternoon to early evening. My dad and his wife came, my dad's sister and her husband (auntie & uncle) and their granddaughter, and my Nmom were there. Nmom was staying with us at the time so when everyone arrived for the birthday party, she was wearing a nice casual outfit and everyone complimented her on it. Well, for SOME reason that only God knows, she later went into her room and changed into this little skimpy bathing-suit cover up. It was white, sleeveless and very short and semi see-through. It wasn't a pool party and we were definitely not at the beach!!
I looked at her and said "oh, do you still have to get ready mom?" and she said, "No, I'm ready, I'm just going to wear this....it's just waaaaaaayyy more comfortable." She pointed out that she had shorts on underneath the little coverlet but the shorts were "hot pants" and when she bent over, well, you could just imagine. The little white dress/shirt was way too short. I would not be caught dead wearing that to a party...not even a pool party! It was hideous looking on her. Not trying to be mean here but her aging 69 year old body is not in great shape. She is the heaviest I've ever seen her and when she walked around, the back of the lightweight coverlet creeped up her back side, exposing the very bottom shape of her buttocks which hung out of the shorty-shorts. She was wearing these little sandals with heels mind you, to boot! Nmom pranced around the patio with her wine glass bending over in front of my dad, his wife and my husband and everyone else! I was mortified!!!!!!!! This was her baby granddaughter's birthday party, not Fort Lauderdale's Spring Break-Girls Gone Wild video tryouts!!!!!!!
Wouldn't she think, "Hey, I'm going to be some timeless pictures with my granddaughter....." Needless to say, I didn't take any pictures of her with my daughter, I was too embarrassed. Actually, I felt bad for thinking that she looked gross. A part of me says, hey, if an aging woman wants to wear something showy, then go for it, you only live once and who cares what everyone else thinks! Right? Another part of me says, there is a time and place for everything and to have some discretion, just because a very short bathing suit cover-up looks good on a young person, doesn't mean that it will look good on me. Some apparel is not age appropriate for 69 year old. And how disrespectful to my dad's wife!! What was she thinking? Did Nmom actually think my dad, or uncle, or husband would think she's sexy or something? What was she thinking?
My Nmom has worn age inappropriate things before. She came to my house last summer dressed like a little girl in shorty-short-shorts embroidered with flowers and glitter and a "Juicy" tank-top that showed her droopy breasts and was waaaaayyyy too small on her. It's like she's regressing or something. I think she's crazy.
Good Gawd. I'm laughing right now as I type.
Is this lack of boundaries? Or is it inappropriateness on purpose? If it is the latter, then Nmom knows better, she has a reason for doing what she's doing. If it is the former, then she is clueless. N's can't learn boundaries.
Just a note: I read somewhere where N's are not aware of their aging bodies and they actually see something different than all of us.
Anyway, I have a million other stories of my Nmom's inappropriateness and/ or lack of boundaries. I just got to thinking, which is it or is it both??