OK, my advice is the opposite, Lupita - if you want to, call him! Calling him, doesn't have to signal that you're desperate & needy... nor that you have great expectations of the relationship, but it does send the message that you are interested in pursuing A relationship. Trick is - you need to sort out just what kind of relationship you're looking for... and for yourself, be OK with the fact that he may want something different. Sounds like he'd be a great friend, at the very least... and there's nothing wrong with having another friend, right?
And then, just say you were thinking about him... follow up talking about something you've already shared... even say you were thinking of inviting him to dinner or lunch... or some non-romantic, non-pressure activity (not necessarily a candlelit dinner, know what I mean??). And time will tell if he feels the same way about you...
this is one way to gradually see if something more might develop - but without all the instant pressure of "romance" for either one of you. Lowering the "stakes" - the risk - early on takes some the anxiety out of the situation, when there is a strong, quick connection. It buys you some time, to see if he really is "handsome is, as handsome does" - true to what he says about himself.
How many opportunities have I lost because I waited for a guy to make the first move??? And guys don't usually make the effort to "sweep us off our feet" unless we find a way to tell them by our interest in them, that they have an open invitation to TRY...
That's my two cents, anyway.