Author Topic: bad dream  (Read 2303 times)

Gaining Strength

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Re: bad dream
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2009, 12:56:17 PM »
"They will PUNISH you for being good to them."

Wow - after all of these years and struggle to come to terms with damage from N parents I have never seen this truth.  and you state it so succinctly and powerfully.  thanks for tht Hops.

I awake day after day still feeling the effects of growing up in an N household.  Just this morning, as I took a shower, I thought I heard the sound of someone pushing back in a chair and I felt the adrenaline fear rush.  Instantly I was transported back to my childhood, awaiting, expecting the intolerable beratement that might or might not come.  The unknowing continues to haunt me subconsciously.

I can imagine how powerful that dream was for you.  It is a true nightmare.