Just where do I fit, exactly, when for 45 yrs The Mother has caused me to believe I am "The Loser-Lowlife" then I learn about Narcissism and realise I am NOT the things she says I am, but because I believed the things she says, She has custody of my 11yr old son (I had a nervous breakdown whe he was 9 mos. old and she got custody.) I cannot afford a decent home for a child. Rent is too high and I don't have the skills for a better paying job, and try as I might, I CANNOT fight her, when I think her name, I literally choke. I close my eyes and see her standing there saying"I love you, I love you," all the while shoving her fist down my throat trying to rip out my heart. I wish I could let myself feel. But I still have hope for one day.