Thank you dear people...for all the love and sympathy over Miz B.
It's funny, not funny hah-hah but funny-life, O funny life...that it's a weird kind of happy-sadness.
It's a CLEAN grief, unlike the kind I had for Nmom. (I did have clean-grief for my sweet Dad, who was the kind of person who when he was visiting somewhere, a shy cat who always hid under the bed upstairs when company came would trot down the stairs, walk in and hop up to sit on his lap.)
I have her pic (the one here) posted HUGE as my screensaver, and it's so sweet to see her face and just imagine planting a big ole smack on her muzzle, telling her again, I love you, sweetie. I tear up and miss her, but I feel really GOOD about helping her go so gently. (I had terrible sorrow over my miscalculations and cowardice in not making appointments to help two previous old animals go this has helped heal that. Fourteen years later, I was brave enough to do RIGHT BY THIS PUP. ) I'll always remember B. with love and will miss her acutely for a while. But I won't obsess, and this is a peaceful time... Thank you all for meeting it with such kind affection. You would-a liked her, really! She was a cupcake! Looooved people. (Especially when they dropped cheese.)
Two pieces of GOOD news!
ONE: My freelance thing? They received it, had a meeting, sent me praise for the work and offered me another assignment! Dang! There IS hope that my old brain has value. And I have another interesting assignment in the wings when this next one's done. Woo hoo! I am starting to imagine a future, rather than moldering away in a business run by an N who will never value me. Whee!
TWO: Seastorm said I'm funny. There's nothing I love better than being found funny. Seriously. To me "funny" is the best thing ever. I'd rather make people laugh than almost anything else. Except maybe get modestly rich.
Naaaah. Ain't happening.