To top it off, a paramedic flirted with me today while he was on his lunch break. Not that I take this stuff seriously but it's a nice entertainment every once in a while. That someone would even flirt at all...sort of makes me feel human. I'm not really much of a flirt, mostly I just smile politely and stare at them a little bit shocked.

Thank goodness I got dressed up for my volunteer gig because I would never get dressed up thinking that a paramedic would flirt with me.
Yes, I just emailed the director a few mins. ago and told her I would be glad to work on the grant. I know I gave her a worried look at first so I figured I better confirm it. The whole thing is a bit confusing, it's that creative-people-chaos thing, well it's confusing because today she said verbally to me again that the other group doesn’t have the time to manage this project. So I think she is asking me in an oblique way if I want to do that? I would only be doing it as a volunteer pro-bono as far as I know. The other group had money for an intern.
Still just keeping an open mind and my fingers crossed.
I actually have always wondered about grant writing. This director seems willing to give me opportunities and some hands-off mentoring.
I'm just waiting to see what happens, I'm worried that she is going to figure out that I'm really dumb!
I mean I know that I have some insights some of the time.
I guess I don't want to disappoint, you know what I mean?
Still, going back to fingers crossed, being gentle to SELF...
--Oh I can hear that my poor neighbor woman in the shelter got groped while she was waiting in a line with homeless guys. –That kind of stuff absolutely sucks. That is exactly why I avoid some of the resources that are out there because showing up for them can be a risk for single women.
When it comes to this level of social services it's a very good idea to segregate by sex. I just knew she was going to have a problem when she told me she was going to go check it out.
Yoga soon.