Author Topic: Deconstructing Self-Harm  (Read 3359 times)


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Deconstructing Self-Harm
« on: August 17, 2011, 09:48:45 AM »
Its a 'go mad or die' sort of option, ie take on someone elses disowned crazy destructive issues, or no relationship at all, which in the N paradigm is = to non existence. 

River posted the above the other day, and it so completely summed up the "original wound" that is the source of my own self-harm habits, I was stunned. I also happened to be processing the experience of coming 100% face to face with it, in myself, when I read it... so it was timely, too. My genius D pushed me right into the experience... and pulled me right back out again. She is stronger than I am... and strikes terror in grown men. A natural-born Amazon!  ;)  I'm very proud of her.

Anyway, there are a lot of "moving parts" in River's statement that bear close inspection and reflection. She concisely describes the kind of stuff I've now spent YEARS on. And as usual, I gotta lot to say, in explanation of what I see open before me now.

go mad or die - yep; that is exactly the choice I was presented with at 12, when wholly unprepared to responsibly make such a choice. I didn't understand AT THE TIME, that were other options - how could I, when I'd always been told exactly what I could/couldn't do, what was "right", what I felt, what I should even think? And if some other option crossed my path... it was automatically "bad" or "off limits" or "not what 'we' do... there was no possibility of rebellion or revolution or third choice - no "door number 3". No "self" boundaries allowed, you know... that would've been contrary to my "purpose" in life, the meaning of my existence which was:

take on someone elses disowned crazy destructive issues, or no relationship at all - it was my "job" and responsibility to solve those issues (not my own) for my mom... and for a time, my brother as well. That was the meaning and significance of my existence... and anything outside of that, for me, myself & I... was often secondary, considered shamefully selfish - a betrayal even. I learned quickly to hide any/all needs I might have and to appear to be as self-sufficient emotionally as possible. That's not really humanly possible unless one is seriously mentally ill - and I cracked often, BECAUSE I had such overwhelming needs... and I vented those taboo emotions... self-soothed... etc with things that would harm me simply because it wouldn't provoke that abandonment response or jealousy.

My mom is only able to feel a very small range of negative emotions without going completely nutz. I mean violently, insanely, irrational - she can instantly do a Dr. Jekyll - Mr. Hyde transformation when in any environment where people are being emotionally expressive... and disagreeing with her view of reality. I allowed myself to be her "sock puppet" to protect my brother & I from these physically harmful rages and swallowed my own anger... and can not describe the primal anguish which I know is worse than death... to have one's own self so consumed, invalidated, DANGEROUS. It was dangerous to be me... to care for myself - because that brought ridicule and shame and flat out condemnation. I didn't know then, that this is an expression of jealousy and resentment.

This is how I came to make my biggest mistake in life - of believing that being "me" was bad and therefore seeking out ways to harm myself, or associate myself with "bad" things... so that my mom could feel better about herself and not jealous of me... and not be violent and abusive. I learned and completely believed that I too shameful to be my real self with people... and since I was either being the sock-puppet of her insanity... or experiencing that self-awareness of shame and anguish of being "not allowed", such as I am... I proposed to myself a long-term project of physical neglect, addiction, dissolution... hoping against hope that the final release from this agonizing purgatory would be over sooner rather than later. I fully expected to die before 30.

which in the N paradigm is = to non existence - This is the final, ultimate abandonment you know. In the N's mind, they can erase you from the earth... "I brought you into this life, I can take you out" is a statement of the belief in a righteous permission to do so, without criminality. Dealing with all of this - at the same time I was dealing with a very real attempt on my life via the rapist and my struggle to survive - then isolated from the people outside the FOO that I relied on for other perspectives and feedback on my own sanity -  is it any wonder that I took refuge in self-neglect, self-harm, self-deprecation, self-sabotage in order to survive?

Is it any wonder, that the old self-harm is still around even at this point of returning back up Alice's Wonderland tunnel with my "self" rebuilt? It's there "just in case", I think. A security blanket. It worked before, to protect me, right?? That kind of kid-logic needs to be over-written with new programming now. Line by line, until I disable the functional parts. Things might go a little haywire, for a bit... but that kind of chaos is normal in the creative process. And I have way more skills and understanding than I did back then... I'm not going to let "survivor guilt" keep me expecting the "other shoe to drop"... or worry that I'll be victimized again by the unified MomBro or one or the other.

I don't have to keep subjecting myself to mom's sockpuppet delusions about me anymore. She managed just fine, not talking to me for two weeks and I felt much better about myself, too. I'm tired of her monologues... the same repetitive crap. Do I really need a reminder these days, that the only time I exist to her is when she thinks she's dumping all her crap on me??? She doesn't even recognize me these days, in person. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I can't imagine not recognizing one of my Ds.

sigh. So fortunately, I now see that I have access to many more options that just "go mad or die". Which one I settle on, eventually, will be a matter of experimentation; trial and error and which one isn't all that special, as long as it works. I'm glad that piece of poison has worked it's way out!
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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2011, 02:04:19 PM »

My mom is only able to feel a very small range of negative emotions without going completely nutz. I mean violently, insanely, irrational - she can instantly do a Dr. Jekyll - Mr. Hyde transformation when in any environment where people are being emotionally expressive... and disagreeing with her view of reality. I allowed myself to be her "sock puppet" to protect my brother & I from these physically harmful rages and swallowed my own anger... and can not describe the primal anguish which I know is worse than death... to have one's own self so consumed, invalidated, DANGEROUS. It was dangerous to be me... to care for myself - because that brought ridicule and shame and flat out condemnation. I didn't know then, that this is an expression of jealousy and resentment.

Hi PR.  Lots of great insights in all of your comments, but this one really jumped out at me since it's the same kind of stuff I've been dealing with over the past year.   My mother doesn't get physically abusive but she definitely does the Jekyll-Hyde flip when something pushes her buttons.   The latest "transformation" lasted for nearly 9 months.   In her younger days she was somewhat more in control, but the general process was the same.    I always had to tiptoe around her and fade into the woodwork in order to avoid potentially triggering one of her episodes.  And it appears she completely dissociates from these episodes after they are over.   There is never any apology or (expressed) recognition of what happened.   

Combine these tendencies of my mother with my semi autistic father and the voiceless FOO picture comes into focus for me.  There was no chance of getting any emotional validation or nurturance from the family.   I've also started to wonder if my mothers tendencies are part of what drove my father deeper into his autistic mode of relating.   


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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2011, 09:16:58 AM »
And it appears she completely dissociates from these episodes after they are over.   There is never any apology or (expressed) recognition of what happened.

That's because, for your mom it didn't happen SL. Whether that's outright denial, dissociation, whatever - it does not exist and did not happen. How convenient to not be responsible or accountable, eh? But for those who witness this -- there is the problem of cognitive dissonance. Two irreconcilable realities co-existing at the same time. Hers and mine. Which one is real? Or is one "real-er" than the other? Or, even more interesting to me at the time was the question of whether it might be possible that both are real - like a space/time warp - where two universes overlap and there was this gap in the continuum where the two realities collided...

oh, I have entertained and soothed my anguish with these kinds of mental gymnastics for a long time. Because, when one is dependent on a parent... one's greatest fear is abandonment. One can not accept that the parent is so seriously insane that they can deny what was witnessed, oneself. That's the same as abandonment. It's not a matter of interpretation or definition, either. The rain fell from the sky or it didn't. So, I "made do" with what I had... and to do so, I had to engage in my own version of denial... and put forth effort and ingenuity and deny my own needs or find substitutes for what I needed emotionally... all while protecting, covering up for, and controlling/containing my momster. Letting go of her and the twisted up form of relationship required to pretend we had a relationship... would have been abandonment of her and didn't fit with the "loyalty and fairness" ideas I'd been indoctrinated with. (Which by the way, were only one-way... it didn't work in reverse that I could expect to be treated that way.)

So, how is it possible to break down the boundary of self of an individual? Well, that cognitive dissonance and the predictable denial of my mom was like a bludgeon. A battering ram. Reinforced by her "rules"... the black and white thinking mantras of either/or and good/bad. And just when I thought I might be "safe".... Ka BLAMMM!  Thar she blows again. SHE was the "other shoe dropping" that I experienced -- even long after I'd moved far from her. And the old tapes in my head, the echoes of her craziness... were an internal drive to hurt myself, that I mistakenly thought was somehow another "me".

[deep breath.... let it go]

I'm done arguing with the old tapes in my head. It's time to delete the files, erase that part of the drive and start over. Otherwise, I'm only spinning digital wheels over the same old ground again and throwing sand that goes nowhere except to dig myself in even deeper.

I'm still "me" without the old tapes running in my head. And "me" can - and probably should change over time. It serves no useful purpose to remain engaged in what I know is a failed strategy - harming myself to get help, make my mom care about and for me, get her to even acknowledge my reality - doesn't work. I really don't need to hide anymore. She can't hurt me. I'm not dependent on her -- and haven't been since I was 18. Yet I've let her keep me tied to this inane insanity for 36 years and not lived life for myself, according to MY rules and values... always trying to stay up on that tightrope between universes/realities.

I was abandoned a long time ago. Just before my Grandma died, she was quite angry with my mom over several things. Mom's wilful neglect of me was one of those things. And when Grandma passed (I was 7), my mom was hospitalized for the nervous breakdown and was way worse when she finally came home. I've made this sick relationship with mom, the "tragedy of my life" - a greek tragedy - and it's just not worth it anymore. It's time for me to return the favor of abandonment and not subject myself to the crap that gets in the way of healing my self. Sorry mom, it's either me or you - and you've done zip to endear yourself to me all these years... just the same old, same old crap shovelled at me and I'm supposed to eat it for you. That doesn't help either one of us. You'll be just fine without me.

Life awaits.

God's sitting back, still giggling probably, at the silly human wasting time and energy and life moments. If he thinks I'm funny - just wait till Congress is back in session! They're way better at this, than I am.
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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2011, 12:47:25 PM »
Well said PR, time to live your own life. I don't know how much contact you have/had with your Momster, but in a way I feel like I received some kind of 'gift' in the fact that mine really doesn't want to contact me or include me in her life. She tried in the past, in nuts ways, but not much. The NC working both ways has been a blessing. Oh and continues to be so I guess. I take it for granted now (without thought) that I won't see her again (refreshing). Now I can work on removing/limiting the contact with other disordered people.


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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2011, 09:34:31 AM »
There are spiritual traditions that describe letting go, as the perceptual experience of an egg breaking over one's head... and the primal life force energy dripping, oozing down over and into one. This image has come back to me, as I try to find ways to describe what I experienced a week ago...

when the shell of dinosaur egg that I've spent 42 years years building around me, to protect me from more shaming was forcefully cracked and peeled away from inside and out. The shell was between my day-to-day "me" and my ability to directly feel my feelings. It was built, because of the no-win dangers of my life with mom if I dared feel my own feelings and SAY what I felt; own them... and just BE ME. Whatever that is... without designing it to please others... be "acceptable"... be "good enough"... be "liked"... or taken seriously. Recognized as an individual human being. Me.

When I described feeling like all my skin had been peeled away - that is what comes after the egg shell is all gone. It's not painful - all the time; there are still the echoes of the toxic demons receding back into hell. They know they've lost. It's certainly not a familiar experience! And there is a return of feelings that I thought didn't exist anymore for me and didn't know how to find. Navigating through my life this way, is going to take some getting used to. It's OK, though - I'm not afraid; not anxious or worried; not sad or embarrassed - shamed - anymore. I'm not dwelling in some secret grotto of loss and grief under a facade of change, either. And I'm not substituting self-harm for what I really need... as much anymore. I'm not confusing those needs with some perverse need to harm myself... to stay "safe" or feel connected or... all the dumb ways I was encouraged to be.

It's a golden piece of screwed-up kid-logic, that thinks that by hurting oneself, putting oneself down, the evil in life will feel better about itself... and go away. Or that one can become invisible and go un-noticed - be hidden. It worked well enough with my mom, to convince me that this might be a good way to "be". Bleck.

Just as it took a long time to become this way... it'll take some more time to add in new and better changes, every day. I know I need some more confidence about my ability to change my habits before taking on the nicodemon. But at least now, I FEEL that it is possible - that the power of my old resistance is already waning - because I've decoded the source of it and said:

Self, do you really want to be this way? Don't you feel a little foolish, persisting in perpetuating this insanity - when you don't need to anymore???? And then Self gets a hug... because I DO understand how this started and why... and self did the best and safest thing to survive at the time; she wasn't OLD ENOUGH to be expected to know all this - and yet she did remarkably well under very trying circumstances... it's OK now. It's OVER. You made it to safety.

Time to do something else while getting used to this new tactile, emotional space of feeling that (sorry were WRONG) doesn't prevent my brain working - at the same time.
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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2011, 11:27:49 AM »
I see the EVIL in life as some kind of way of not looking at the problem of human STUPIDITY. Of course that 'problem' is my problem; because problems are what we construct out of nothing. :lol: Clever or wot? :|


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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2011, 07:40:30 AM »
Sometimes, evil is just ignorance or stupidity Freshwater. You're right.

And sometimes it's just mean & cruel & vindictive beyond reason - for no reason whatsoever. Those of us who suffer from the latter can only suppose that the perpetrator does this to feel better within their own ego, because of their lack of empathy and humanity. Whatever the reason - it's not really "sane". There is no possibility of understanding it, for those of us who depended on people like this to "take care of us".

There is only letting it go and moving on. There is no other way that I've found - and I looked a long time.

I could not find a definition or a how-to for "letting go" that FELT right to me. I had no idea what this meant. Now, I have some idea of what it feels like but it's still mysterious and like some quantum physical element that won't stand still long enough for me to study it! But that's OK too. I like not knowing everything, these days - that means I can be pleasantly surprised, or can immerse myself in something more in depth than I previously had time for... mysteries are meant to be appreciated, not necessarily solved. Maybe they're meant to be "felt" more than thought about... hmmmm....

So - the "moving on" stage is going to be pleasantly different for me. My house is full of projects that I started, or thought about starting... things I postponed, for one reason or another. I have another house that I've completely neglected dealing with for a whole host of reasons and need to prepare to sell. My sewing room is about to bounce up into my field of view again - I made a first pass at organizing it (we'll have been here 2 yrs in Jan) - but it's now time to think about making again. I need cushions for the banquette in the kitchen and a dress for a wedding that will be attended heavily by a bunch of artists - young, vibrant, persistently cheerful artists. Hubbie needs help making workspace in his garages: a.) to finish moving utilitarian stuff from the old house and b.) to begin building a cedar kayak. Unless we get into welding and making metal sculpture... I have wood stuff to paint, refinish, customize... and I've hoarded some interesting canvases for certain ideas that couldn't push their way through my focus on the past - and just what it would take to let that "distraction" go permanently. I am making friends with someone at a fun boutique for women who love fashion but are a "certain age" - YES!!! They really do exist. I have a neighbor who can help me a bit with watercolor, I think... and hubs says the weather is getting cool enough to make some day trips in our mid-life crisis convertible. I want to explore the rest of North Carolina... especially the mountains... which I love as much as the oceanside. I miss dirt - even my herbs are having a tough time in the sand and drought here. And my business stuff is calming down to a manageable level... tinker here, tweak there kind of thing.

So far, I've solved my "brother" problem by essentially accepting that he is a stranger with absolutely no business experience and working with him that way. My mother is off limits for me; don't need that crap anymore and I couldn't care less if that hurts her feelings. When did she even show one iota of concern for mine? I have OTHER family. And I have Phamily, too.

It's time to go play. Thank you guys...
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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2011, 09:37:53 AM »
Dear PR,
Thank you for this thread...
It was as though I had written it myself.... I could hardly believe my eyes as I read your words....from the childhood pains to the hobby room and canvases waiting for you...  

I honour the way you have so clearly described everything, and am cheering you on your new healing path of letting go.  
I have been away for a while, but have come back... the "letting go" seems to be a never-ending journey, for me at least.
Each day, I struggle with knowing who I am... breaking the habits of ensuring NM is the one who shines.  
I, too, am just learning how to Play.  I, too, have an art room filled to overflowing with supplies and treasures waiting for me.  Playing, laughing, joy, fun were never allowed.  Nor was I allowed to waste my eyes on reading Fiction.  
Your thread is so timely.  I spent yesterday, a rainy day, in my little art room, clearing off some of my work surfaces, sorting and organizing things.... baby steps towards having "fun" and "play".... it felt so good.... and, another interesting thought, I have noticed that I always, and I can safely say 'always', sabotage my own feelings of fun or play, by distracting myself with some trivial chore.... so it takes all day to clear a small space, if I am enjoying playing.....

and yet, I watch my husband enjoy all his free time 'playing'... guilt free!  Guilt Free!  I keep asking him how he can do it guilt free, and he just smiles and says it is easy!
There is the difference between being raised in a loving family versus a toxic environment....

all this to say, Yes, time to Play.

~ OnlyMe


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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2011, 02:07:42 PM »
Thank you OnlyMe!

I relate to the organizing/cleaning "distraction" to "pay for" playtime. LOL!! I think this might've been one of my first "warning symptoms" (ignored at the time, of course).

It is interesting, being able to spot others "of us" as we go through life. The more I shed shame, and am able to talk about things... the more I find people who know exactly what I'm talking about... and before I know it, I'm hearing their story, too. Sadly, it's a lot of people... or maybe that's just "life". I don't know.

I do know, it's probably time for me to direct my attention and energy away from this intensive pursuit of "what happened"... and de-briefing myself (and you all) about it... and go make other things happen. Not that I'm going to up & disappear from here!! I still need a whole lotta reassurance & propping up as I encounter new things - I'm still not that great at doing this for myself, but I keep working on it. And I'm happy to be able to return the favor, when needed.

You really sound good these days, by the way. Real solid, in yourself. Good for you!
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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2011, 07:50:51 PM »
Hi PhoenixRising,
Well, if you feel it might be time to try your wings and soar free, then listen to your inner voice, knowing that you have this board as a big safety net, and a reassuring home base.

Over the years, I have steadily tried to come to terms with "what happened", and just when I think I have it all sorted out, I read something like this thread and have yet another giant "aha" moment, as more and more pieces fall into place.  This thread shed even more light into my understanding of why I do some of the things I do.  It also leads me to think that you have a really good perspective on the N situation, too, for I sensed a great strength and insight as I read it.

It takes a tremendous amount work to train ourselves new ways to take care of ourselves, and that we deserve to take care of ourselves, who knew?!   And it takes a tremendous amount of courage to essentially step out into the unknown, after a lifetime of being voiceless and invisible.  I have been taking baby steps... a few steps out, then one back again to safety.... and so on.  Also, I find there are good days and bad days, brave days and not-so-brave days.  At this moment, I feel like I have one foot on solid ground and the other on sinking sand.  This is good news, because in the past, I felt like I was up to my neck in the sinking sand, with my hand waving....for help if anyone could see it, and goodbye if no one did.....

I would like to say to you, that you sound really good these days, too.  Well done, PR.  
So far so good!
Thank you for your inspiration.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2011, 07:54:31 PM by OnlyMe »
~ OnlyMe


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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2011, 07:32:25 AM »
You're most welcome!

Truth is, my experience has been like yours. I'll go try this... then revert... then try that... revert to comfort zone... ooops! Life just hit me over the head.... back into fetal cocoon state for a while.... OK, just a little better - now naval gazing anyone?? And then, I had what I call a "close encounter" with the insanity that rules in my FOO again... and it kinda took all my work, shook it vigorously and tossed it all up in the air. Once all the pieces drifted and settled down again...

once I processed ALL my feelings, thoughts, wants, etc about it... it didn't look nearly as threatening to me as it did initially - or in the past... that's when I noticed my feet were on something more solid; had more traction than gravel or sand...

I like to think that my artistic training and ability give me some kind of edge in being able to shift my perception. Change my perspective. Look at something from a different angle. And sometimes, I really can. (Luck exists.) But like most people, I bring a lot of definitions, past history, old traumas, sensitive buttons, likes/dislikes, opinions and judgements and feelings of fight/flight to just about everything I perceive. All these things are different colored lenses, like 3-D glasses that aren't adjusted quite right... so a clear picture doesn't appear to communicate directly with the aging neuro-system... I bring my own bias and predjudice to experiences - from the past experiences I've had - and unless PUSHED, I'll simply categorize something into those past definitions without looking with "fresh eyes". This is a mistake - almost right up there with making assumptions or theorizing from questionable premises. But it's a FORGIVEABLE mistake. It's just me being a human, a little too confident in my brain-smarts... a little too deaf to my emotions... and no one is going to shoot at me, lock me up, starve me, or humiliate me for it.

And I can surely stop doing those things to myself, too!  ;)
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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2011, 10:53:07 AM »
Sharing something I just read :

"She wasn't where she had been.  She wasn't where she was going ... but she was on her way."   
- Jodi Hills

~ OnlyMe


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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2011, 12:11:03 PM »

I'll simply categorize something into those past definitions without looking with "fresh eyes". This is a mistake - almost right up there with making assumptions or theorizing from questionable premises. But it's a FORGIVEABLE mistake. It's just me being a human
It's what the brain does. Forgiveable? That's a bit too tough! It's not even a mistake a such. To override what your brain wants to do, is designed to do - that goes to the postive side of the spectrum line. You're only up against your own biology, evolution, neurology; hey it should be a simple thing eh? :D


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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2011, 07:00:05 PM »
Got a lot I want to say too now.....
it so completely summed up the "original wound" that is the source of my own self-harm habits, I was stunned.   
... ditto for me, tho my self harm was another way, not a knife etc.  I found out it was called an 'introject' by the prof population.  I then realised (as a recovering addict), that for many the acting out was about dumping thier own stuff on others, and into others, (usually the Bs and Ns form of defence), and their defence, 'projections' becomes the other persons 'introjections'.    For those of us with introjects, acting out can be a way of trying to externalise, or to reach the inside toxicity that doesnt belong inside.  (after transplants, people get allergic reactions to it being someone elses tissues, - so this is surely paralel?  a psychic allergy).   

go mad or die - yep; that is exactly the choice I was presented with     
  with Ns and Xs thier issues are at a level of survival, the developmental arrest is that primal, so its about annihilation, the designated child is, is dealing with issues at that level. 
When my mum had a stroke, she rambled, but it was a shock to hear what she said, her false self, her cover up had all been blown away, and her true attitude came out to the open,  without repeating her exact words, what she said to me was exactly that agenda that she had in her attitude for me.  ( I rushed off and wrote it down, because it was so unbeleivable).   Nobody eles in the fam would have understood if I'd said anything, to them it would be just her rambling, but I knew, the ghost was out of the cupboard. 

  it was my "job" and responsibility to solve those issues (not my own) for my mom... and for a time, my brother as well. That was the meaning and significance of my existence... and anything outside of that, for me, myself & I... was often secondary, considered shamefully selfish - a betrayal even. I learned quickly to hide any/all needs I might have and to appear to be as self-sufficient emotionally as possible. That's not really humanly possible unless one is seriously mentally ill - and I cracked often, BECAUSE I had such overwhelming needs. the other post, you asked about a dx for people who are the children/ affected by Ns, well what you have just said  would be described as the 'slave/master' dynamic, you have no rights, - not allowed to have needs, and only role is - in this case to clean up psychically for others.  The slave master relationship is the one half of the split options of the schizoid, and the other half............... 

.........can erase you from the earth..............then isolated from the people outside the FOO ................She doesn't even recognize me these days, in person... 
......... is the 'self in exile'. 


I allowed myself to be her "sock puppet" to protect my brother & I from these physically harmful rages and swallowed my own anger... and can not describe the primal anguish which I know is worse than death... to have one's own self so consumed, invalidated, DANGEROUS.   
  ........ yes, I was co-opted too, and sock puppet is such a way to describe it, .... its ouch!... I have a photo of me at about 3, Im posing and glancing at the camera, and I know that was the 'being how/ what she wanted me to be', what else could I do, as a child you look to parents for a lead as to what is good way to be in life, so what else would a child do!   But for me it got far worse, the trajectory I was set on lead me into behaviours that now mean I live with so many regrets.    I live with them, and I face the pain frequently, but I so appreciate, and it helps to be able to share in this way, its surely the most healing thing...? 

Much appreciatoin for what you've written... 
.... and I havent even read the other posts....


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Re: Deconstructing Self-Harm
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2011, 07:22:04 PM »
  I see the EVIL in life as some kind of way of not looking at the problem of human STUPIDITY. Of course that 'problem' is my problem; because problems are what we construct out of nothing 

......... yes, isnt this also connected with the saying:  "all it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing"?