Author Topic: Fundamentally Flawed  (Read 1283 times)

Redhead Erin

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Fundamentally Flawed
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:16:29 AM »
I finially put my finger on what I have been feeling for the past couple of weeks.  I have been feeling as if I am deeply, fundamentally flawed.  Not Damaged, taht implies that I was OK at one point but then something happened.  What I am feeling is, there is something deeply and inherently wrong with me, that has been there from the beginning, that is part of who I am.

I used to have a wedding ring (which got stolen at work) that was really lovely.  It had an emerald in the middle.  I loved that ring; it was so pretty and unique.  But do you know, the emerald had a big flaw in the middle? You couldn't see it when it was on my hand, only if you held it up to the light and looked straight through the stone. But it was there, and no matter how I loved that ring, it was nearly worthless.  That's how I feel. 

Another example, I'm sure most people here are familiar with the concept of God's love and salvation.  Some religions believe you have to do the right things to be "saved" or go to heaven, but my pastor believes salvation is for everyone. God's love is supposed to be for everyone. The first time she told me that, my response was, "That is for everyone else, not for me." Apparently, in my mind, I ma the only asshole who has to earn a love that is freely handed out to everyone else.

I know my husband loves me, but he does not "get" the depth of my issues.  He does not see the flaw in my soul.  He only judges me by the way I present myself, the things I do. I don't know if he'd still want me if he really understood me. I have tired, to make certain sure for my own peace, to get him to see how messed up I am, but I can't make him see. When I was first falling in love with him, I tried very hard to make him understand, but it was like trying to explain color to a blind person.  How can you know what it is if you have never seen it?

I have no friends because I keep everyone at a distance.  The only friends I feel comfortable with are also distance-keepers, and so we never get close, and we drift away from each other.  I think we are all messed up in one way or another but we don't talk about it. Do then we start building friendships, freak out, and run.  Wouldn't that be sad, if it were true?

But that is where I am tonight.  A pretty emerald with a deep, fundamental flaw, kept carefully hidden.

I suck.


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Re: Fundamentally Flawed
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2011, 06:09:12 AM »
I can relate.

I woke up this morning feeling the same way.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Fundamentally Flawed
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2011, 09:54:01 AM »
I don't use the G-word often, Erin, since to me there is only a god if god = love and only love.
(No vengeance, retribution, etc.). and for me, if my "G=lol" does exist, it's so large that it can't be contained in any text or even by human language. When the texts are declared holy, for me that's pretext for so much human conflict that though I love language, it's actually my life, I won't call any human text holy or revealed. So...I'm agnostic. I watch the vocab but also pray a lot (to my "g=LOL). Go figure.

The only way I know to heal that kind of deep self-rejection is by arguing with the language of things, or at least posing questions about it. Sort of True and False. And, first accepting that feelings are not facts. There's something real, that is way deeper than thought or than negative or positive emotion. And more real than "facts". Probably a basic buddhist kind of notion works well to describe what I mean. (Better than I can anyway.)

I loved that ring; FACT (about a feeling)
it was so pretty and unique. FACT (about a feeling)
But do you know, the emerald had a big flaw in the middle? FACT (about a physiical characterisitc), but also NOT A FACT (who makes a flaw real? It's a judgment that this variation in nature, the "flaw" in a crystal formulation...makes its beauty "lesser". And we build whole societies and economies based on such assumptions! Pretty wild.) matter how I loved that ring, it was nearly worthless. FACT...

But. Your love of that ring gave it value. Not economically translatable value in the layer of this culture that measures the worth of physical stones based on human arbitrary assumptions of what's "perfect"...


And your love is not worthless (FACT--in my universe.)

I think loud arguments in your own head, where you speak up and talk back to any self-denigrating statement like that that your mind produces -- are essential.

You can win this argument. But only if you want to love yourself more than you want others to approve.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Fundamentally Flawed
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2011, 08:31:33 AM »
Erin - hon!

Of course, we're all flawed - all of us. No human being is perfectly wonderful, competent, smart, pretty.... (fill in the blank).... in sum total, and if it APPEARS that someone is... for sure, this is only a momentary, fleeting, transitory copacetic moment in time. Doesn't take much at all for things to flow back to "normal, fundamentally flawed" again. Sometimes, just the tick-tock of another moment.

I don't think that makes everything suck, or hopeless or that this perception condemns one to a life sentence that precludes ever experiencing those wonderful, cool, easy, happy moments. Because I've been where you are - staring at that same space of myself - and then gone to those other moments, where it felt so good to simply sit in the sun and listen to the birdies. A "perfect moment" of experiencing that "all's right with the world (and me)".

It's my theory - and it's only my theory (I read a lot; but that still doesn't make me an expert)... that this kind of awareness with that kind of feeling and judgement of ourselves... is what some kids begin to think is a TRUTH - a FACT - about themselves when they have parents who don't meet the child's emotional needs: to be recognized as a separate person, to be loved, to feel safe... to feel "allowed to take up space" - to just BE ---------- without conforming to a complex set of rules, jumping through hoops, proving ourselves to be worthy of being loved.

It's kind of a paradox, really. Hard to think about rationally and to put into words. But, if there is a fundamental flaw in you; in me - that paragraph right above sums it up. And guess what, sweetie? THAT'S NOT YOUR FAULT. It's NOT a direct result of something wrong in you; you're not an awful person............ you felt that way when your kid-logic was in control and decided that since "mommy's always right" and "mommy won't love me unless I am _____________" and since "I know I'm not __________"

your kid-logic then came to the conclusion that there was something inherently "wrong" with you, yourself, and all that you are.

Kids think a LOT of strange things, don't they?  But "good enough" parents take notice of this... and provide alternative perceptions, ideas, FACTS, and reassures the child that no matter what, I'll always love you "THIS MUCH". When you grow up without that - I can tell you from experience that one's whole focus can be warped into constantly trying to measure up to what we believe... other people's conditions for finding us worthy... are. So I'm going to share my strange, goofy, flawed path of how I've been working on this with you. I hope I remember everything (I'll be back, if I realize I didn't!).

We can fix this gaping abyss of yearning, longing, miserable feeling of unworthiness - there is inner child work, where we learn to mother ourselves. Therapy of course, provides some guidance and feedback on this, too. We can "take back" our own self-respect, our own power and self-worth... and proclaim - Sorry, "Mother" -- I'm afraid on this point you were as wrong as you could be... I DO MATTER A LOT. To ME. And then find ways to practice this, in our lives... until it really feels like "us".

He only judges me by the way I present myself, the things I do. I don't know if he'd still want me if he really understood me. I have tired, to make certain sure for my own peace, to get him to see how messed up I am, but I can't make him see.

Right here, you've summed up exactly what I imagine you felt as a child, with your mom. Understand - it was ONLY your mom who didn't understand you and judged your worth only by what you do. ONE PERSON; not everyone. I doubt, from some of your descriptions, that your hubs is anything like your Mom. It's pretty clear and that you and your mom weren't a good match; but that's just ONE relationship... your hubs is a different person; your relationship with him is therefore, also different. And remember, to some extent (not completely) you are the way you present yourself and the things you do. Some of that is REALLY you, too. You might not be able to tell him - yet - what all those feelings, thoughts etc are, that are running through your head. When you are able, I'm gonna bet he understands just fine.

From the sounds of things, what you've written lately... I think you're on the verge of really breaking into a whole new (and happier) perception of yourself. Sometimes, even a beginner's attempt at setting a boundary with the old Nmomster - and you did very, very well in your latest encounter - is enough to sound all the air-raid sirens of total freak-out of our unconscious memory... that "inner child"... who knows she's just broken the Number One most IMPORTANT RULE... the big taboo. But there is immense energy in those usually small, first attempts - I was way more timid that you - and that energy can propel you through your healing process. It's an unfamiliar feeling... which sometimes our brains want to assume, since it's new - it's scary. That's just the "old" way of looking at things, again. Perhaps, instead of anxiety and dread... perhaps that same physical feeling is anticipation and excitement?? Only YOU know for sure, kiddo.

Remember to BREATHE... slowly... take your time... think slowly... look at that emerald in your mind's eye again and realize that it's the flaw that makes it unique, special and important - loved. Tell yourself - it's OK, everything's all right - there is plenty of time to sort out the details... but now, it's OK to rest... to relax... to pay attention to the sun, the breeze, the happy laugh of your little boy... and the protectiveness of hubs. All's right with that world... in this one, short, fleeting moment.... and you can experience that, hold on to it, and it can get you through the scary, uncertain, freak-out times until you get to your OWN answers. Mine are just tossed out here as placeholders... a possible template. It's only what I perceive... what I see. It's way more important to decide for yourself what you see. Please customize my "placeholders" to fit your unique self! See if it makes any sense whatsover for you... if not... that's OK... I've been wrong before; I don't mind this... it means I'm learning something!   ;)

« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 08:38:13 AM by PhoenixRising »
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Redhead Erin

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Re: Fundamentally Flawed
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2011, 09:13:17 AM »
Thank you.  I was out of the house all day yesterday and just stopping quickly to print a worksheet for my boy today.  I want to really read and digest what you all have so kindly written.  Thank you for the time you spent writing those lovely replies.