Author Topic: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff  (Read 22960 times)


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New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« on: November 26, 2011, 09:45:26 AM »
Bones & Boat...

This one topic deserves it's own thread, I think. Just talking to each other about this, we're getting closer to understanding it - at least, I hope there's some understanding possible! It doesn't really fit with ironing, makeup, lampshades & mops - LOL... even tho it's one of those BIG "mama never told me" things.

I mean does intimacy or romance or even love or whatever..put us into these hazes of psychological tornado storms? That's what it feels and sounds like to me.

Exactly. My warning sirens go off... the troops start running for battle stations... I load up the cannons... and then "I" go run & hide in the safest, most protected place I can find!  LOL... in some ways it's completely hilarious what a ball of cluster-tangled and completely contradictory thoughts & feelings I become. And yet, I feel like it's a very serious problem for me. I just flat out, simply, don't feel comfortable. 11 years of marriage, notwithstanding. (and lots of other relationships and 2 ex-husbands, too) It's much easier for me to flirt with a complete stranger - no expectations, no promises, no obligations   =   no RISK either. I can and have, just walked away when it suited me or things took a more serious turn.

So, maybe for me it's a control & boundary issue. That level of intimacy triggers all the self-defense reactions I created to fend off my Nmom's intrusions across my identity boundaries... and my fear is simply that I'll "lose my turn" - my right - to even have boundaries within the situation and relationship; I'll be totally powerless and persona non grata again. Add to that, being a rape survivor who did fight back and lost; but survived... and well, I can't really blame my Self for still being freaked out. Even though I rationally KNOW, without a doubt, that a.) hubs will never intentionally hurt me and that b.) he's most accomodating to my expressed needs/desires/limits. Too many times I don't speak up -- and I'm kicking myself for not doing so (he can't read my mind) and sometimes, speaking up just makes things even worse -- because now he's self-conscious and walking on eggshells... he doesn't know how we "play" together, either nor what will trigger my pulling back.

When I think of trying to explain what flirting is... I think of Lauren Bacall, in one of the Humphrey Bogart movies when she pauses at the door to his private eye office and says, If you need me, just whistle... you know how to whistle don't you? Just put your lips together and blow. The interpretation is open to definition. Double entendres fall into this category. Verbal jousting; witty repartee; outrageous presumptions and conclusions - none of them meant to be taken seriously. Plain silliness and fun... NOT necessarily with a sexual subtext, mind you. Flirting can exist outside of that - but then, I guess that causes a lot of misunderstandings, too.

You're right - little kids DO flirt! It's completely innocent, non-sexual, and totally mirthful; joyful. It's interpersonal play. My 3 yr old grandson is a total flirt and has been known to charm waitresses into extra dessert. He has absolutely no expectation of nor experience of his overtures being rejected. He is only just being himself - fully - having fun, and communicating that to other people. If there is a result he's looking for - it's laughter, love, acceptance - and that's what he's been taught comes of being himself in this way. (Note that his parents do a great job of explaining which behaviors aren't allowed without squashing his sense of love & acceptance for himself, too.) I learn an awful lot about what I missed out on, watching him interact with his parents... and at some level, I know he knows it. He's not completely sure of me; comfortable with me and I give him plenty of space about that.

I keep hoping this is just a phase for me. I mean, learning about boundaries I tended to go overboard about defining and enforcing them. Too strong; too rigid boundaries. Hubs pointed out one day, that even strong fences have gates in them when we were talking about it. We invite in people that we like and trust... and the gate swings both ways... one can still be "safe" outside of the boundaries, too. Since then, I've been able to relax having overnight guests - whole families - stay at my house. Maybe not relaxed enough yet... but way better than before. I'm able to go out socially, be myself and have fun, without the old defensivwe (and self-harm) strategies automatically kicking in.

One more item about this... that I've been kind of dancing around in my own thinking about this: obviously, being married... there is an "us"... and also a Hubs and Amber, as separate people. How do people figure out how much individual time vs "us" time works for them?? What can we do, if I need more me time than he does... and he needs more "us" time than I do?? That might be a digression; might not - since I think it still falls into the boundary category... boundaries in relationships.

So... that's what I've been thinking around this topic. The kicker is: I don't think I can "answer" these questions all by myself... my way. There's sort of a collective, social "understanding" or agreement about flirting... what's acceptable, when, how... just like we have these built-in mental constructs of what being married is like, who does/is what, those kinds of things. Boat - I know that feeling of... sensing... that other people are judging you when you having a little flirt, or fun... it's kinda like how I feel guilty for getting some big tasks off my to-do list -- a ghost from the past. How to banish it? Bones... I understand not being able to read other people's intentions correctly. I'm not Aspie, but I know that when triggered... I'm not feeling at all safe in my own skin... and that completely changes how I interpret other people's comments and body language. This whole topic is a quagmire of uncertainties for me. Go figure.
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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 10:00:53 AM »
Thanks, P.R.

For me, unfortunately, some ugly memories of ugly comments from the NWomb-Donor, have come to the surface.  From my perspective, she used children and their innocent flirtations to exploit them all for her own selfish ends and attempted to justify it with one of the most HIDEOUS comments that a pervert could invent!  GOD, how I HATE that monster for that!

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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 10:26:21 AM »
Bones, m'dear...

I know. I've resisted commenting on some of the stuff you've written about your mom - and even getting into this topic on my own, for myself. What you've written - what you were put through - makes me uncommonly, deeply angry. Flat out - your mom was a criminal... and in today's society, she surely would've been arrested and locked away for life. The things you've shared - well, it doesn't bring out the nicest, mature sides of me either!!

I'm sorry for the awful memories and if it's too much - protect yourself first, OK? My feelings won't be hurt.
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Redhead Erin

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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2011, 11:23:38 AM »
PR, we must be o nline at th same time!  I just wrote a long post about flirting in the other thread, apparetly while you were writing this thread!   :lol:


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2011, 12:13:20 PM »
For me--banter without vamping (Lord knows it can't help to compare myself to a movie sireeen) and being full of good spirits is what helps me connect.

When I'm feeling happy in myself, it just makes it easy to enjoy others.

I really do love meeting people, males included. I find that strong curiosity about other people helps me override my own fears of intimacy.

When I think we're just "swapping stories" and let myself enjoy how human that all is...I lose some of the fear.

Plus which, after my brother, nearly every male I meet seems wonderful.

(This from somebody who can't manage to find time to date...even the nice geezers who do write me.)

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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2011, 02:14:52 PM »
Fascinating thread...

I'm married.  Hence, don't do much flirting.  But I was always pretty crap at it.

I have to admit, I'm pretty uneasy/quasi-terrified by men (DH, excluded).  Even now, I hate finding myself in a one-on-one situation with the opposite sex.  Like, say, if one of our couple-friends comes to visit, I positively dread the moment when I find myself alone in the kitchen with my girlfriend's husband.  I feel horrendously uneasy/closed off, can't think of a thing to say to him, can't be in the moment, can't really listen to or respond to whatever he has to say, then feel as though I'm coming off like an icy snob. 

My NM was a man-hater.  From the time my sister and I were very young, NM was always banging on about how men treated women so poorly, got preferential treatment, got more attention/better advantages, were boastful, self-interested, self-serving, etc.  And she really encouraged us to identify as feminists.  GC-sis has taken the man-hating to the extreme (she talks at length about how she hopes her three-year-old daughter will be a lesbian, and thus avoid men completely).

NM also did a great job keeping us isolated from the opposite sex.  Our dad, included.  He traveled a lot, but even when he was home, NM acted like any bond we had with him/time we spent with him was an affront to her.  NM forced G-sis and me into really feminine activities--like ballet--where there were hardly any heterosexual men or boys.

The combination--being isolated from the world of men and, simultaneously, absorbing NM's anti-man messages--had a serious impact on me.  For years, I felt like people with the "Y" chromosome were space aliens, members of a completely different species. 

On the one hand, I was boy-CRRAZY.  I wanted them to save me--to cancel out all my family horrors, give me the love and affection I'd never had--but at the same time I didn't trust them enough to really open up to them emotionally.  DH taught me true emotional intimacy.

Sorry to drone on.  It's just interesting stuff.  Recently found this article about NPD and gender identity:  Not really a fan of all the penis-envy stuff, but the part about "bemoaning the female role" fits my NM like a glove.

Anyway, early on in my relationship with DH--realizing that I had no idea what a two-way relationship looked like (NM and co-N D were hardly role models)--I decided that I was going to just going to begin by emulating the most intimate relationship I'd ever had: the relationship with my therapist.  Which is not to say, I was going to try to "save," "diagnose" him or visa versa, only that I was going to get to know him by asking him the kinds of things that T had once asked me.  You know, the meat and potatoes stuff like what his early childhood memories were, what he liked most about the way he grew up, who first broke his heart, etc.  Sounds really remedial, but to me, the kinds of conversations that followed were a revelation.  He shared, I shared.  Before, I'd always felt like I had to play a part with a man, like, read from a certain script, find out what he wanted from me and then conform to it.   

It also helped that I'd been working with T, thinking about what kind of relationship I wanted.  Really honing in on what qualities I wanted to have in a partner, what my "deal breakers" were, etc.  T really thought the Law of Attraction applied to dating.

Hope this helps...
hope anyone who's looking for a partner meets his/her heart's desire, Kay x


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2011, 09:42:49 PM »
Bones, m'dear...

I know. I've resisted commenting on some of the stuff you've written about your mom - and even getting into this topic on my own, for myself. What you've written - what you were put through - makes me uncommonly, deeply angry. Flat out - your mom was a criminal... and in today's society, she surely would've been arrested and locked away for life. The things you've shared - well, it doesn't bring out the nicest, mature sides of me either!!

I'm sorry for the awful memories and if it's too much - protect yourself first, OK? My feelings won't be hurt.

Thanks, P.R.

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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2011, 09:45:03 PM »

(((((((((((Dear Bones)))))))))),

You are remarkable.  You survived.  You are able to talk about it.  You're smart.  You will not be defeated.  You are loved here.


Thanks, TT.

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Amber's SELF time
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2011, 10:25:17 PM »
The book "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff in Love" makes a reference on how to request SELF time in there somewhere in a least one or two of the chapters. Maybe get it at a library. The author Richard Carlson says he really needs his SELF time. So they talk about this in the book somewhere. I'm trying to find the chapter.

I love the word Mirthful!   Well what makes someone good at "Play"?   I know it's a dorky question.  
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 02:49:37 AM by Boat that Rocks »


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« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2011, 10:46:53 PM »

Why don't you have the time to date? Are you considering dating Hops?


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2011, 01:22:15 AM »
It's partly time, Boat...I work fulltime and feel drained.

But a lot of it's isolation (I hermit every evening except a couple of church groups every month I drag myself to), and some depression.

A lot of avoidance too. I have fears about it, am very ambivalent.

I daydream about a loving relationship but have had many failed ones.

I precoccupy myself with escape things (timewasting TV) and when I did have a date I was excited about, I scared myself by feeling so much anxiety I got chest pain. Pretty much turned me off it. Though I did have a couple nice dates with someone else whom I might see again after the holidays.

Mostly lately, I am pretty crushed by my failed relationship with my daughter and her dire situtation (close to yours at the moment).. I don't seem to have enough energy left to dream happy dreams for myself. I am still in limbo about where I'll live in old age, rough job situation at times, just all that.

Romance seems like...I don't know, going to Dunkin' Donuts or something. I think maybe that's not true, and I need to care more about creating new possibilities for myself, including finding a relationship. For the last few years, just haven't had the strength.

All that's pretty self-pitying (few rough emails from her this evening) and I'm going to try to shake it off.

Thanks for asking, Boat.

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Red Head Erin's Post from other Thread
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2011, 02:25:27 AM »
So do y'all think this type of Mirroring that Erin describes is the same sort of mirroring that mother's do with their baby/children?
Mirroring has been described on the board before in other posts but not in the context of flirting is it the same thing.

This is Redhead Erin's Post from other thread:

"Here is an easy technique called "Mirroring and matching."  Pretend you are a mirror of the person you are flirting with.  Every time he makes a large movement, wait three seconds and make a similar movement.  For example, he takes a sip of his drink, count 1...2...3...sip your drink.  He scratched his ear ...1..2...3...push some hair behind you ear.  You can do this for quite a log time.  When you feel like you are getting into a rhythem, you cAN  
reverse the process.  Sip your drink (or whatever) first, and see if he follows you.  

How this works, it establishes a sort of sympathy between two people.  It puts you in a space of having something in common and creates a friendly atmosphere in which you can then get into a good conversation."
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 03:04:02 AM by Boat that Rocks »

Redhead Erin

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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2011, 05:42:04 AM »
Come to think of it, yes I believe so, though I never put it together before.  Cool Boat. 

Hang in there.

Things will get better.


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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2011, 07:40:33 AM »
Come to think of it, yes I believe so, though I never put it together before.  Cool Boat. 

Hang in there.

Things will get better.

Thanks, Erin.

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Re: New thread for flirting, opposite sex relationship stuff
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2011, 09:51:11 AM »
Mirthful... reminds me of smurfs! Is play: anything that's FUN?

Bones - you know you're welcome to jump in, whenever you want to, right? I just don't want this chat to bring on a whole stream of nasty stuff from the past for you; or me for that matter... (and yeah, I know it's lurking - that's what part of my fear and inability to just SAY what I want to - need to - SAY is about).

Boat - yes, I think you're absolutely spot on with the idea that Erin's mirroring/marking during flirting is identical to the early infant/mom attachment bond. I wonder: how many of us flirt this way unconsciously? I don't know for a fact that I've done this... but given my unconscious mimicking, it's more than likely. OH DUH... I guess the reason I unconsciously mirror back people's gestures, manner of speaking - and even regional accents if I'm paying attention - is precisely that "looking for the mirror"... the echo to my original yodel... "the missing piece"... the one person I belong to. Like spy code phrases... you have to say the right thing for the other person to recognize you're the right contact...

I just did this "speech mimic" the other day with someone I met who was from Queens; I noticed it and tried to consciously stop it. It's difficult tho - that longing to BElong is pretty strong in me.

Which is a direct contradiction to the pulling back syndrome I have, with intimacy... isn't it? Damn primary attachment that was dangerous, anyway.... < I'll just run screaming out of the room now; thanks... I don't think I can reconcile those 2 opposites yet>.

My anxiety with hubs and intimacy, hasn't always been there. It ONLY came up, after T... and no, I didn't deal with that then. There were a lot of other things to pay attention to at the time. The shutdown I experience - the physical withdrawing - I still believe is directly connected to being overpowered - and all the crap that followed - during the rape. On the "After Silence" board - it was pretty clear this was an experience that's pretty common. And since I was denied the opportunity to process that whole experience, until it came out in therapy... I guess my timeline isn't out of the ordinary, either. But it ticks me off - I want it to "go away" so I can "go back to" being my other happy to touch & snuggle &... Self. Hubs most definitely wants it go back - and he'll settle for "closer". At the moment, I have to psyche myself up and talk myself through things... constantly telling myself that it's OK, I'm safe. That's not exactly fun or playful.

But the other thing I think I've been working through is how this all relates to boundaries. Learning what a need was... that I had needs... what my boundaries were - and how nice it felt to be safe inside my boundaries, living in my little bubble taking care of my needs as best I could for myself. Being safe inside a bubble that no one else is allowed in... isn't a hell of a lot of fun when you're a person who needs to feel connected - that recognition and BElonging of mirroring/marking.

And to be blunt about it, therapy essentially gave me permission for the first time in my life to pay attention to myself; to put myself first on the list and as usual, once I got that bit between my teeth.... I ran with it - at least in the one arena where I felt I could without being challenged or questioned. That's not fair and it's damn well NOT what I want. I really wasn't paying attention.

And of course, it would be easy to just blame everything on the fact that the one person who I trusted to take care of me, to mirror and mark me... only wanted me to mirror/mark HER... and every time I allowed myself to be close - I was engulfed/enmeshed, no boundaries allowed... so I'm programmed to associate that danger with intimacy. My having an emotion was just like bait dropped in a school of starving fish... and I got "hooked" every time. Blaming Nmom didn't get me the result I wanted, even though I had to detail all the links in the chain of that wacked relationship enough times - that it lost it's mystery and magic and power. I've seen that trick enough times now. Being angry didn't work either... and wow - as utilitarian as those boundaries are, when dealing with pushy, or manipulative or using-taker people... they're stumbling blocks to connection if there are no windows, doors, or permeability or flexibility. My guess is: that kind of boundary - the intimacy boundary - is one of those situational things; it's a line in the sand that can be erased -- not something engraved in granite.

Boundaries: can't live with them, when they're too defensive/strong or too weak... can't live without 'em.

Isn't a volleyball net a boundary? Playing field? Basketball court? Chess board squares? Hmmmmmmmmmm.
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