I guess I shouldn't have addressed my post like that. I'm not only open to what other mom's have to say but to what Dad's and other's have to say as well.
I need some advice and I have no where else to turn right now. I'm torn up with what to do and I feel like it's a tug of war that I'm about to lose and I feel like you all are my life raft at times when I need it most. Here goes:
My husbands parents, who are getting up there in age, have booked a rental house for over two months this winter, on the ocean coast nearly 3,000 miles from where we live. They have invited everyone of their children (my husband, Steve, and several of his siblings) and all the kids, grandkids, etc, to their ocean villa on the coast. Well, all the adults have booked their trip with their kids, etc, to visit in a staggered sort of way since it's only a 3 bedroom house. My husband's parents have asked several times when we were coming (with our 4 year old daughter). When they first booked the rental, back in October 2011, we were all gung-ho about going, but things have changed since then. I had to get a job because things were getting pretty tight financially, we just had bought our first house, had to get a new car and had some debt creeping up on us, so, I had to put my daughter in a school-daycare in order to make ends-meet.
Getting the job I got was a blessing and we are thankful. We were saved. Unfortunately, my bosses are a bit reluctant to let me take a 10 day vacation when I haven't even passed my probationary period, etc, and also, I don't get much my first year and that would wipe my out of any time off for another 12 months. Regardless, I need the job so bad, I don't dare rock the boat at this point.
Here is my heartache. Grandparents have caught wind that we might not go. They adore our daughter, "Caitlyn". She is a sweet 4 year old who is a Mommy's girl; our only child. When talking with my mother-in-law, I lightly brushed the subject of us not being able to go, my mother-in-law said (rather coldly) "Well if YOU can't come, what about Steve? Can't he come with Caitlyn? Can't he just bring Caitlyn for a vacation with us?" I had no response. My heart dropped to my toes. I have no idea why. But the thought of my baby being so far away without me just crushed my heart. I had never thought of that before and when she said that, I just felt weird.
When I told my husband, Steve, what his mother had asked, he said to me, "Yeah, that sounds like an idea, what's the big deal...I leave on business for several days from you and Caitlyn all the time and I don't have a problem with it." Steve said he does miss us but it doesn't make his heart ache or anything like that. I asked him to put himself in my shoes: that I'd be working 9 to 4 every day to come home to an empty house, and on Fridays, I would be off and longing for my daughter. I'd just be here doing nothing but working. Each night I would not be able to sleep because I'd be so far from my Caitlyn. My husband travels a lot because of his job so I am used to him being away, but when it comes to my kid, it's different. I'm angry at my husband because he is being very "smug" about it and I feel that he doesn't understand what I feel. I know this sound so stupid and petty

My in-laws' rental house has a pool and is on the ocean. My child doesn't know how to swim yet and although my husband is a fabulous father, he has relied heavily on my abilities as a mom to care for our daughter like the "eyes in back of my head" thing that I have. Get my drift? My in-laws are getting older and have slowed down considerably. I trust them all completely. But for 7 to 10 days, it's just tipping the scales. It's not like they are just baby sitting for a short while.
Steve's mom has asked again and almost demanded that Steve bring Caitlyn, but mom in law never has said, "honey, I know it's hard to leave the little ones...." or "Hey, it's okay, you're just a normal mom...we'll figure something out...." All my sister's in law have even said at one time or another, that they couldn't leave their kids for "x" amount of days, etc. And not one of them ever had to in this situation!! We left Caitlyn once for 2 days and I was so ready to go back home and see her....I think I'd be a basket case even after day 4!! Sorry, that's just me.
I have been wrought with guilt and anxiety over this. I have talked with his family members since then and I get the sense that they think I'm overprotective, controlling or selfish or whatever. I have heard a comment here and there. I find it funny that none of my sisters-in-law are speaking up and admitting that they wouldn't do it either, especially my one sister in law that has 3 small kids who NEVER let's her kids out of her site, relatives or no relatives and I think that's fine. So what?
I have thought about this long and hard. I have soul searched and dug deep into the strength that I don't have.
Truth is:
1) we can't afford to go;
2) I want to go too!
3) I know grandparents want to see Caitlyn so bad;
4) Why can't we postpone so we can all go together, she's barely 4 years old;
5) Why doesn't my husband see how much it tears me up?
6) I'd have the worst week of my life here all alone; and
7) I'm not ready to part with her for that long and that far away. 3,000 miles away. Not yet.
I'm trying desperately to not sound like it's all aobut me and reading my post, it kinda does. No?
There. Okay. Rip me to shreds. Am I selfish? Am I insecure? Am I an overbearing mother? What is this? Am I doing irreversible damage to my daughter and the family?
Why am I so guilt ridden? Is this the works of my N-mom from long ago telling me to "Please everyone but yourself, Bear."
Any input, honest input, will do me good.
I thank you again friends for letting me here to rant and share my life, as imperfect as it is, and as I.