Kelly hon - I can kinda relate to what you said about feeling that God has abandoned you. I felt that way ever since I was raped... until... I was describing the weird memories I had of an angel who gave me sword (and instructions on what to do with it). When my T said that this kind of dissociation was a way my brain was protecting me - it finally clicked in my head: God hadn't abandoned me at all.
He just didn't respond the way I - in my 12 yr old panic of HELP ME - imagined he would. Then I remembered something I was told once: when we pray, we can ask for anything we want... but we can't dictate the details of what, how, when, where, etc. It's sort of like Hops' excellent wisdom about asking... and then releasing the outcome. Sometimes we get the answer we want but we don't need/want it anymore (the careful what you wish for problem) and sometimes we get just what we wanted... and we don't see it. Or didn't realize we had it all the time...
The other thing I've pondered the past couple days... was the list of big, big things you talked about. Like a "to-do" or "to-fix" list. From the exasperated description you gave of your battle... I have to gently suggest that perhaps it's time to let someone else "do" or "fix". You "job", if you will... is to let others take care of you, endure the treatments (which I know are not pleasant) and if you can - make each moment as conscious and loving, to yourself and others, as you can. It's OK to let someone take care of you, you know? Your mom probably doesn't even realize she should try to... but that doesn't matter now. OTHER people will try to... will want to... take care of you.
Let them. It's your turn to be taken care of.
I hope the sun shines and birdies sing and the breeze wafts scents of fresh baked bread and pie and you hear kids laughing and playing where you are.