Author Topic: website for Parents estranged from their children  (Read 3175 times)


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website for Parents estranged from their children
« on: April 12, 2012, 01:49:44 AM »
Website that might serve as a reference.  Wish some of the N Parents could read the part about "justified estrangement" and see themselves. I know that its not possible, but if you wanted to explain it, this site does it well.

A short disclaimer - I like SOME of what she says and encourages, but want to say that sometimes Christian Counseling misleads kids of Ns into paths of forgiveness, passivity, doesnt address the abuse appropriately, leading to more abuse. If you want to read about Spiritual, Christian values of emotional healing from abuse, I would read Joyce Meyers' book BEAUTY FOR ASHES. She understands abuse b/c it happened to her and she outlines how to heal from it through biblical teachings. I give her alot of credit, b/c I think organized religion has not adequately addressed parental abuse, but Meyers has.


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Re: website for Parents estranged from their children
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2012, 08:04:11 PM »
Wish some of the N Parents could read the part about "justified estrangement" and see themselves.

The entire section on "justified estrangement" was perfectly written ... for the children, not the parents. Unfortunately, an N parent who is estranged from their child for justified reasons doesn't see it that way. In their mind, they've done nothing wrong. It's the child who is the problem. If my NM or Co-Father were to read this, neither of them would say, "Yes! That's it. They left because I emotionally abused them." I'm sure my co-father tells himself every day that I ended contact because I'm just a "bad seed," as NM always called me. The term "toxic parents" applies to someone else, not them. They were perfect parents. End of story. Not open for discussion.