Author Topic: I will never find f***ing peace  (Read 7300 times)

finding peace

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I will never find f***ing peace
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:49:27 PM »
Why, why, why,

sorry folks I know you are all dealing with your own personal demons.

My home life is shattered.

Why  :cry: can life never be peacful?

- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 03:44:26 AM »
Finding Peace, I feel your pain!  It is hard.  It's a long, lonely battle and there have been times I wished I was dead, times I've thought, "Why not just be an alcoholic/do drugs/shop compulsively", anything to get away from it and not feel it, experience it, be part of it.

But ......................... I've learnt something from every painful experience.  Sometimes I've gone through the same experience dozens of times before I've learnt anything, but eventually the penny's dropped.  Now when something that I don't like happens, I find myself being more analytical about it, looking at it as a way to learn more about me, myself, my life.  It still hurts, it still causes confusion, it still makes me feel tired.  But it's a lot more manageable than it used to be.

And I think I've found peace now.  I don't know for sure.  Sometimes you can coast along and everything's okay and something trips you over.  But for now, life feels peaceful - partly because there just aren't many people in my life any more, but that's what suits me - a few good people, who cope with their own lives pretty well, and a real restriction on the ones who cause the dramas, or add to them (or stop me resolving them).

Don't give up.  Focus on the here and now.  Do something that immediately calms you - herbal tea, meditation, a long walk/swim/run, read a book, garden, whatever you find peaceful.  Can you change anything about the situation by changing your response to it?  Is there anyone you can avoid, even just for a few hours?  Can you change the dynamic by saying no, or not right now, or no thanks, I'm not interested?  I do believe peace is there for everyone, it's just very well hidden at times.  Don't give up xxx


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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 07:20:17 AM »
Hiya, peace...

I'm all ears when you're ready to spill the beans. Sorry it's turned sour on ya.
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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2012, 08:02:21 AM »
Sending comfort, Peace...

Please don't apologize for being upset on the board.

Hearing voices is what we're here for...upset voices, too.

Want to talk about it?

with love,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2012, 12:08:31 PM »

((((((((((((((Finding Peace)))))))))))))

Hugs, shared tears, shared hope,



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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2012, 12:14:05 PM »
Here and ready to listen......((((((((((((((((((((Peace)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2012, 01:43:03 PM »

It's going to be OK again.



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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2012, 05:04:34 AM »

I hear ya!!!

Alcoholism is a HELLISH disease.  It sounds as if he is still on what is called "a Dry Drunk".  The alcohol may be absent, (for now), but the sick behaviors are all still there.  Based on what I'm reading, I presume he is not going to AA nor has an AA sponsor.

Have you had the opportunity to talk to someone in Al-Anon, the support group for families of alcoholics?  They can help save your sanity and the sanity of your children.

Just my two-cents' worth.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2012, 07:55:11 AM »
Awwww Peace...   :(

It's not your fault. You're not having a pity party, either.

You are only as strong as you are - for yourself, your D, for your family. You can't carry hubby's burden along with that, too. What's not fair, is that he's expecting you to help carry it. And in the process, his "illness" is going to drag you down too. Unless you say NO.
Bones is right; Al-anon will help some. It'll help sort out the tangles of over-responsibility, enmeshment, protecting the person causing the distress, and help you define what your own limits are. My own experience is that it's the drinking itself... that attempts to make the people around the drinker, responsible - in all kinds of ways - for how "well" the drinker is doing. Up to a point. Then, the drinking double-dares the responsible supporters to prevent the drinker from doing him or herself in... drinking. It's not possible to win against that level of addictive intent and it's not possible to reason with it, either. The costs - the real risks - of attempting to intervene, interrupt, or divert this intent can be exorbitantly high for those who try.

You're being traumatized, kiddo. In your attempt to care for someone who isn't going to cooperate. Even if he says he wants to -- unless he recognizes that all the yuck and chaos is created precisely from his drinking -- he can't accept the responsibility for what it's effects have been on anyone; not even himself. It's almost impossible to get people so far into the clutches of that destructive intent -- to want to get help.

(Insert giant, never ending hug here, OK?)

But you can help you and your family. You have to be the cavalry that rides to the rescue and helps get them to a calm safe place. I know you can do that. It'll be way easier to do this, if you have help where you are. Start with Al-Anon. Ask for referrals to what you need, the practical things... take it one step at a time. You do need to be able to rest, to be able to live life without wondering all the time, when the other shoe is going to drop... and these folks KNOW and CARE about the kinds of things you've been going through.

You don't have to struggle with this, all by yourself.

(More hugs....)
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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2012, 08:39:59 AM »
I'm hoping these links might help:

And the following quote helps me:

"I have to remind myself of the three C's, I didn't cause it I can't control it, I can't cure it."

« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 08:47:38 AM by BonesMS »
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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2012, 09:55:26 AM »
Yup yup yup....

Al-Anon, FP.

You've carried so much, for so long.

Some of the burden isn't yours to carry, and I find myself wondering why you, so wise when viewing the problems of others here this board, can't see what's plain to us.

You can't save people from themselves.  It's impossible.

You must save yourself, even if you don't know how, you must learn.

Even it if breaks your heart and rips you in two, you find a way, begin to mend, and become stronger..... to show your children how to do it.

What do you or your husband, or your children gain from the hours of arguing every night?

You're trying to "help" your husband take responsibility, when his goal is to continuing shifting blame onto your shoulders.

Shoulders strong enough to carry it.

Shoulders used to carrying it.

Why?  It's not yours to carry.... time to learn what's yours and what's his.

Time top step back.

Bow out.

Allow your h to take the responsibility of his actions, bc you've layed them at his feet, silently, without argument that he must pick it up. 

Or not.

You didn't cause his sickness. 

You won't be the person who convinces him to change, or begin fixing it.

You're more than willing to take responsibility, but it's time to wisely assess what part is yours......

and what part belongs to your h.

Yes, it will harm your children if your h can't find the strength and will to grow through his alcoholism and get better, but it's not good for them to watch you carrying this man, arguing uselessly with him, saving him from certain destruction while he blames you, and stand for it.  Better for him to find his precipice himself and either turn away or jump, but you carrying him off that precipice, over and over again, is prolonging what must come sooner or later.

Maybe it's time to go, FP?  Take your children to a place with peace, and calm, and give them the stability all children need, away from the crazy?

What do you want your children to learn about adult man/woman relationships that they can't learn from watching their parents locked in this terrible dance of addiction, co-dependance, and emotional turmoil without relief?

I think you will find powerful relief in accepting the truth of your situation.....

your husband is sick, and you didn't cause that, and you can't fix that.

He's got to do it for himself, and all the writhing, and trying and carrying of this man is only putting off the envitable choices everyone eventually has to make for themselves.


I have to admit I'm a little relieved that you're physically healthy, and have your IL's help in this...... I was afraid of so many things for you when I read your first post. 

Perhaps it's time to hand your h over to the IL's and step back in peace with your children? 

How old are your children, FP?  Maybe you and your children can go to Al-Anon, there are different groups, and find relief together?



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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2012, 10:24:20 AM »

It was so good to read you say, "I am done."

For the rest, I echo Alanon, and all that Lighter said.

You cannot "be right" or "win an argument" with a blaming alcoholic.
"Dry" or "wet" -- the blaming game means the illness is nowhere near cured.

But you can sacrifice your very life, and your children's possibility for a mentally healthy trying to win.

I also suggest talking to a women's shelter. You have not described extreme violence and I don't fear
that for you. But I think you are not recognizing what is abuse (in the sense that abusive behavior,
no matter what the cause of it....means--you're done.)

Done, as in ready to take action for your own life, and your children's.

with love, courage...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2012, 12:59:11 PM »
Oh Peace.  It's very common for alcoholics - or drug addicts, or gamblers, or any other category of people with problems - to blame those closest to them for the things that go wrong and to fail/refuse to see that anything is their fault or their responsibility.  Your situation sounds terrible - it's not a pity party so please don't think of yourself in that way.  You mention leaving - can you do that?  Can you take the kids and go?  Or get some sort of order put in place where he has to leave and you and the kids can stay?  I don't know how it all works where you are (I'm assuming your in the States?).  I know in the UK those are options.  But please don't blame yourself for any of this.  You sound like you need head space to get yourself clear.  Keep posting.  People on here care about you.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Finding Peace)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2012, 12:15:49 AM »
((((((((((((((((((((((((((Finding Peace)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: I will never find f***ing peace
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2012, 07:13:12 AM »
Peace, hon...

we ain't goin' anywhere! Be right here when you have time. You just take care of you & kiddos right now...
and we'll send ya a bouquet of white light support and prayers and hope that comfort starts to envelope you with rest.
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