I live in PA. I lived in NJ and watched my town go out in row boats. My S lives in NJ but came home for the storm. I have family and friends In all three States..NY,NJ, PA.
We were hit but not even close to NY or NJ. I lost a fence, both sides, and a front door of kids fort. I was about as prepared as you could get and ready to go ...if I had to go.
I banned together with neighbor's...watch backs..some of their husbands were first responders so they held home (alone with children). We did not lose electric although many, many, did and still have none.
I opened my doors, water, food, heat, shower's....smash yourself in.
My H's job is still down.
We have NY and NJ here for shelter, gas, food and gas stations are running out of gas or have very long lines. They are having to be policed because of fights.
It is what it is......Sandy kicked Ass ....And we must have compassion for other's. I have an intact home, family and friends are safe. I am grateful. That is not the case for everyone.
My heart goes out and I don't mind waiting...
For the most part I find people to be So Very Human and can't do enough to help another... Very kind people and when someone gets (fired up) due to power outage, loss of work, cold...they remember ....Other's.
We all need to remember kindness and compassion. I can say....It's huge and infectious. That is my experience. Come in get warm, free coffee, charge your phones...hugs, tears, climbing over trees, people letting other's use their generator's for frig, heat....
There are so many Good Compassionate People in this World!!