Hi ((((Tupp)))) --
I had your posts rolling around my mind today, but couldn't get time to answer.
What kind of rises up for me, is that I wonder...perhaps you are lonely.
(Lord knows I often am.)
The approach of the holidays (hell, EVERYTHING about the holidays) makes it so much harder.
If you kind of set aside the whole Hollllllllllllllllllllllllllliday frenzy/expectation/cultural trigger to start feeling some FAMILY happiness...could it also be true that you need more dear, good, reciprocal friends in your life?
I think that whole question means (plus the feelings you're having in a lot of friendships you do have) that it just hurts more, when FOO members bang on bruises, hurt or hurt with neglect, etc.
I hear you about your awakening to a lot of your relationships being NON-reciprocal. Good for you for noticing that, this is huge. Really. I think it has enormous impact on one's future happiness when one begins to see that an adequate measure of reciprocity is what characterizes healthy relationships. Even if one hasn't had many, spotting that, and learning to instinctively retreat when it's all one-way...is what people WITHOUT N-scars do!
Who knew!!!!
I salute you for this realization. Some of your struggles also remind me a bit of what gets labeled "codependency" -- and some of the classic literature on that might lift your spirits, and boost your self-esteem, right about now....
With love to you,